Apr 24, 2008
after reading Jbrolls really fantastic FAQ about Tubecreamers, i may want to buy a Ts7 to accomplish my XXX, tighten the sound reduce the fizz, make coffee with and whtaever other things the Ts is supposed to do.
Former guitarist of mine used it with a Powerball but couldn't hear much difference between the sound with or without the TS. Worked pretty well with A H&K Switchblade. But has anyone on this forum some experiences with XXX's and TS's. How does a Ts driven XXX compare to a "normal " XXX without boost?
Thanks in advance
i think a TS would be a great pedal to put in fron of the XX if only to use to bring the level down a bit! lol. Seriously the amount of gain on that amp is ludicrous!

not used a XXX with a TS myself. But on Revalver (which I find to be a really accurate representation of the amps) the TS tightens up the low end of the XXX and adds a fair amount of high mid, cuts through alot better

tbh, for the price of a TS7 its worth just buying to try it out...
I own a XXX, 5150 and 6505 and have several boost pedals (mt2, sd1, maxon 808, hbe powerscreamer, hbe uno mos and the first dimebag mxr.)

I find that each amp reacts differently with different pedals.

The 5150 loves the Maxon and the 6505 loves the sd1.

The XXX loves both the Maxon and the HBE Powerscreamer.

I find myself using the HBE most of the time with the XXX. Gary Holt from Exodus uses this set up (which persuaded me into buying the HBE products) and I am very pleased with the results. I have also swapped out the Powertubes for JJ EL34s with JJ ecc83s in the preamp section.

I also find that the using my PQ4 and ISP Decimator sounds better in the effects loop of the XXX than the effects loop of the other 2 amps.

Using the HBE uno mos with the Powerscreamer can have good results with a little eq-ing.

Down low (on bedroom levels), I still cant go past the mt2. All the other boosts sound ....well....crap!

I know tube amps dont sound good at low volumes, but the mt2 really does thicken the sound up.

I use this setting when writting riffs and then I crank the XXX,(disengage the mt2), engage the Powerscremer and record. I really do have the best of both worlds.

Those randall warhead cabs I run through help things out a lot to. Dont think that much of the 6505 cab though, way to scooped for my liking. Anyone else have this opinion?
I own a XXX, 5150 and 6505 and have several boost pedals (mt2, sd1, maxon 808, hbe powerscreamer, hbe uno mos and the first dimebag mxr.)

I find that each amp reacts differently with different pedals.

The 5150 loves the Maxon and the 6505 loves the sd1.

The XXX loves both the Maxon and the HBE Powerscreamer.

I find myself using the HBE most of the time with the XXX. Gary Holt from Exodus uses this set up (which persuaded me into buying the HBE products) and I am very pleased with the results. I have also swapped out the Powertubes for JJ EL34s with JJ ecc83s in the preamp section.

I also find that the using my PQ4 and ISP Decimator sounds better in the effects loop of the XXX than the effects loop of the other 2 amps.

Using the HBE uno mos with the Powerscreamer can have good results with a little eq-ing.

Down low (on bedroom levels), I still cant go past the mt2. All the other boosts sound ....well....crap!

I know tube amps dont sound good at low volumes, but the mt2 really does thicken the sound up.

I use this setting when writting riffs and then I crank the XXX,(disengage the mt2), engage the Powerscremer and record. I really do have the best of both worlds.

Those randall warhead cabs I run through help things out a lot to. Dont think that much of the 6505 cab though, way to scooped for my liking. Anyone else have this opinion?
Can you post clips? Interested xxx owners would love to hear them.
Just to inform you.
Bought the Ts7 and got it one hour ago. Just got to play it at low volumes with the XXX but i'm happy so far. I'll try to make some clips this week, when I won't feel too lazy to carry my computer down in the cellar or my buddy has to come with his macbookpro :p