Bad Monkey or TS7 for jcm2000 boost??!?!


Oct 13, 2009
Latrobe Valley, Australia.

So I own a tsl100 and it needs a boost, really wanting to tighten it up a tad.
I am thinking of just buying a bm tomorrow and being done with it, or I can buy a ts7 from the us and mod it.

Now I am stuck between getting a bm now or waiting a month and going a nodded ts7.
Which would be the better choice?

Realisticly I probably will be picking up a ts7 soon anyway just because I have wanted one for ages and it would be cool to have two od's.

I play a wide variety of music but this will mainly be used for generic metalcore.

Thanks to anyone who can give a bit of advice on the subject as I am quite unsure what to do at the moment and Im thinking the only reason I want the bm is because I can get it today.
