Whats a good animal related charity to donate to?


Feb 4, 2002
So, I turn 31 this May and I wanted to do something different then just go out and have a wild night of drinking and debauchery. I want to do something worthwhile that can raise a few dollars to help out a good charity for animals (homeless ones in particular). I live in Northern Westchester county N.Y and would like to make it a local charity. Problem is there is a bit of controversy concerning some of them so I was wondering if you good people had any suggestions on who I should donate to. It wouldn’t be much, perhaps a few hundred dollars at most but I know every penny helps and could be life or death for some of these dogs and cats. So far I have it set up at a local bar (Popeyes) for late may. We got six bands (might add more since it starts at 3PM), five dollar donation at the door, 2 stages (sort of) barbeque etc, etc. Any additional ideas folks?!?????
The bands who will be performing that evening are Shell Shock, Hymen Holocaust, See You Next Thursday, East Coast Scammers, Broken and possibly Johhny G And The ZPC, I may add one or two more depending upon certain factors. If any of you can donate time, money, a good second P.A I would appreciate it from the bottom of my black little heart. The flyer will be up for this soon. If any of you are good with photo shop or a similar program even that would be great. See ya on Saturday May 19th at Popeyes.
You usually can't go wrong with the humane society. I work for a big chain of pet stores, I could see what we donate to in that area.
Thanks Baldguy and thank you Whitey. Any and all input is appreciated. A friend of mine suggested Jello wrestling, might be a bit of a stretch since all the bands and my own are hardcore punk rock and we usually dont go for gooffy gimmics, but that might be fun. Especially if we could get the two female singers of two rival bands (both girls are hot) to get in there and do it for Charity. I just wish I had connections to do it at a bigger venue. Popeyes is a cool metal/punk/ rock bar but it only holds about 150 or so heads, And thats if we have a sunny warm day and were able to use the indoor and outdoor areas.
So, I turn 31 this May and I wanted to do something different then just go out and have a wild night of drinking and debauchery. I want to do something worthwhile that can raise a few dollars to help out a good charity for animals (homeless ones in particular). I live in Northern Westchester county N.Y and would like to make it a local charity. Problem is there is a bit of controversy concerning some of them so I was wondering if you good people had any suggestions on who I should donate to. It wouldn’t be much, perhaps a few hundred dollars at most but I know every penny helps and could be life or death for some of these dogs and cats. So far I have it set up at a local bar (Popeyes) for late may. We got six bands (might add more since it starts at 3PM), five dollar donation at the door, 2 stages (sort of) barbeque etc, etc. Any additional ideas folks?!?????
The bands who will be performing that evening are Shell Shock, Hymen Holocaust, See You Next Thursday, East Coast Scammers, Broken and possibly Johhny G And The ZPC, I may add one or two more depending upon certain factors. If any of you can donate time, money, a good second P.A I would appreciate it from the bottom of my black little heart. The flyer will be up for this soon. If any of you are good with photo shop or a similar program even that would be great. See ya on Saturday May 19th at Popeyes.
Am an animal lover myself, good luck with your show! My kitty will snuggle with me extra good tonight:saint:
I'm just gonna say this one thing because I dont feel like getting into another agrument about a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.

You could give money to the humane society, who would use it to feed stray and abandoned animals.

Or you can give money to PETA so they can have money to buy cardboard and markers to picket your local KFC. Or so they can buy red paint to throw on people wearing fur. Or hey, maybe they will filter it to an eco-terror organazition.
I'm just gonna say this one thing because I dont feel like getting into another agrument about a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.

You could give money to the humane society, who would use it to feed stray and abandoned animals.

Or you can give money to PETA so they can have money to buy cardboard and markers to picket your local KFC. Or so they can buy red paint to throw on people wearing fur. Or hey, maybe they will filter it to an eco-terror organazition.

hahahaha good one man:headbang:
I'm just gonna say this one thing because I dont feel like getting into another agrument about a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.

You could give money to the humane society, who would use it to feed stray and abandoned animals.

Or you can give money to PETA so they can have money to buy cardboard and markers to picket your local KFC. Or so they can buy red paint to throw on people wearing fur. Or hey, maybe they will filter it to an eco-terror organazition.

I thought that somewhen soon it's gonna get down to tree-hugging from some of in-the-wood-shitters...
Peta is an organazation that has lost it's way. Good intentions + self rightous leadership = compramised vision.

I understand that Peta kills animals, hey many shelters do. Most don't stuff the animals into bags and put them into te dumpster behind the Arby's. Most don't finance legal defense for people fire bombing buildings. Most don't put images of jews in nazi Germany next to chickens to make their argument.

If all that isn't enough they gear scare tactics to children to get kids to go home and yell at Mommy and Daddy for eating meat. Frankly, if God didn't want you to eat cows they would be made of wood, instead of savory beef.
Alight, I´d admit it. I´m a bit of a racist or rather nationalistic or what the fuck you call it when you think bad of people from a nation.

What is it with americans that force them to always go totally fucking apeshit about things: PETA, god, NRA, dope, NFL, Joey Belladonna? That´s creepy (but it´s also fucking funny and it lets me put on my european elitist attitude. Something I get to do way too rarelly.) :lol:

Hope you come up with something prime!
What is it with americans that force them to always go totally fucking apeshit about things: PETA, god, NRA, dope, NFL, Joey Belladonna?

It isn't really any of these things that make us go apeshit...most of us are pretty apeshit to start with!:lol: