What's everyone's opinion of these bands?


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Tired of political discussions, so back to music.

Tell me about these bands and whether or not to check them out:

I saw the Melvins live a few times and didn't like them too much, but I wasn't into slow sludgy stuff then. I did always love that album Houdini though, great stuff.
I saw them live once, but they were opening for Helmet, so I didn't give a damn about them then. THey weren't bad, though.

Houdni is the only album I've heard, but I heard it a while ago, and didn't like that kind of noisy sludge rock at the time.
in case you didn't know OLD features James Plotkin (Khanate, Phantomsmasher) and Alan Dubin (Khanate) and Jason Everman (ex-Soundgarden, and apparently ex-Nirvana)

They play grind, industrial, avant garde, death accoring to MA
I like The Melvins. They play a few different ways depending on which album you pick up.

Confessor fucking rule but I doubt you would appreciate them because they can get pretty "proggy."

I have never heard of the other two but it seems that I really need to check into O.L.D. based on the band-members.
Some Melvins songs i've heard are cool
I love Confessor and their "Condemned" album, extraordinary mix of Solitude Aeturnus + Cynic (not THAT technical). J might like their new stuff which is more old school DOOM in the vein of Black Sabbath, Cathedral etc