Whats for dinner


dangerous fan
Dec 5, 2002
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I was just wondering as I sit here at work, What strange things people eat. I myself am not that adventurous when it comes to food, however I have seen some things in my days. I saw a kid it its own faeces once, my friend ate dog biscuits, and I had another friend that ate a cockroach and smoked his own pubic hair. I think I ate grass as a child (didn't we all). But I guess the most adventurous thing I ever ate was a prawn head.
turtle... but i was young and my mother lied to me and told me it was pork or something
I ate a dog biscuit when I was younger..I also swallowed small rocks due to a bet.

I haven't eaten any exotic animals or anything...I did eat a duck once because I thought it was chicken. It tasted like a saltier chicken and was really good.

I also ate a mangina once.
I ate snails (escargot!), Squid, octopus, buffalo (yum!), grilled elitist black metal punks, toungue, liver, even tried head cheese (gag me with a fucking stick) once....
have eaten snails, frogs, ostrich, dog biscuits, dog food (actually, strangely enough, dog/cat/pet meat goes through stricter quality checks than the meat humans eat, it just happens to be the remains. bit gritty, but not too bad) etc.

Will try any food once. But since becoming a veggie meat is kind of off the menu, although I still keep thinking of going back and exploring fish.
Minows (small fish) *Holds over the mouth & down the gullet*, Frogs, Escargot, Tree Rat, Craw dad/Crayfish, Snake, Turtle.... etc etc

I was also a curious kid and tried dog food... That didn't taste so good... *PUKE* :)
ah.. i almost forgot octupus, shark fin soup, snake, escargot, cow tongue, taro, dorian ( an asian fruit that smells horrid), and ants by accident when i was younger.
Originally posted by Leech
ah.. i almost forgot octupus, shark fin soup, snake, escargot, cow tongue, taro, dorian ( an asian fruit that smells horrid), and ants by accident when i was younger.

OH! You reminded me that I once choked on a fly when I was a kid... Brainless bastard flew in my mouth and down my throat when I was yawning... *puke*

I'm not adventurous at all. as I'm a hypochondriac I fear food that is too exotic, because I have doubts that my stomach can handle it.
there are however some things I find absolutely disgusting: snails, mussels, oysters and mushrooms! :)
I inhaled a mosquito through my nose, and eventually it came down in my mouth and slipped down my throat. All this while riding a bike. Yummy.
Originally posted by OpethianSoul

I haven't eaten any exotic animals or anything...

blah.. and you call yerself a North Carolinian....... I mean come on... you've never had rabbit, squirrel, or deer before???? how about Bass or Brim??? Those could be considered exoctic since people don't eat that stuff everyday..... I have fond memories of hunting and fishing with my dad... oh and before people get pissed... we actually ate our food... we didn't shoot *just* for sport...... I've also ate Gator Tail before... but it was prepared at a resturaunt, and a chain one at that (RJ Gators) so I dunno if that qualifies..... And have tried steamed Prawn.... *tries to think of anything else*

Oh yeah... we ate Dove after our Dove hunting excursions.... (its actually pretty good) hmmmmmm fresh Rainbow Trout, and frogs legs........ thats about all I can think of that would be considered exoctic....

But on an everyday basis its pretty boring food.. so I won't go there.....
As a matter of fact, last night I had for dinner.... *Looks over shoulder* "How do you say it again....?"

"Oh yes!"

[cockneyenglishaccent]burr-I-tos![/cockneyenglishaccent] :D

Other than that.... dog biccies... that's prolly about it......