My cousin did that. He worked 2nd shift, started at like 2 or something. He told me he couldn't fall asleep till a little after I left for work. I always left for work at 6:15 in the am. By my calculations he should have gotten a minimum of 5 hours of sleep if he cashed out at 7 and woke up at noon, with a possibilty of 6 hrs if he sleeps till 1. I called him a fucking wuss for not being able to run of off 5 hours of sleep. I didn't like him at all and he was the worst roommate ever (well, he was no tard roommate). He had his buddy sleep on our couch for 3 months. He told me it'd only be a week or two. We got no money. Well at least I didn't. He might have. Did I mention I don't like this guy.