What's important for teaching on an recording studio class?


May 9, 2006
Well, I am no pro yet, but a friend indicated me to teach some classes at an important place here where i live. It will have to teach things to people that are clueless about recording, and i have to cover EVERYTHING from beggining through advanced.

I have some things on my head to formulate those classes, but any help is welcome. What do you think is important on an audio class ?

I've been thinking of teaching also some non-audio stuff to compliment the classes, like cable building, soldering, things that are not really audio related but that are important to everyone that works on this area.

As far as theory, how deep should i go ? I am thinking of not going too deep, but deep enough to help when the practical classes come.

I think it's really important to get the basics of the physics of sound down, so they can understand phase and how all sound is made up of alternating opposite forces (compression/expansion, positive/negative volts, etc.), as well as the basics of digital audio (how it's just samples of a sound wave, rather than continuous). Beyond that, going over signal flow, microphone types (dynamic, condenser, ribbon) & polar patterns are good too.
Always remember to make it fun first and let the students come up with ideas. I have been teaching at a private school for 7 years and just lecturing will bore everyone to death. Stay as light on the math and physics as possible. I mean, the bare minimum. Especially in the beginning! Unless they are all dudes who just came from TechU, they will hate it ...
Yeah, sorry Jeff, I gotta +1 smy on that, my Audio Arts Prod. 1 teacher was doing great until he busted out formulas for calculating the 1/4 wavelength for bass trapping or for the decibel system, and I started getting cross-eyed - fortunately he didn't linger on those and got back to tangible stuff :) Like I said above, though, the basics as they relate to the physics of sound are important.
I will formulate a list of what i want to teach and I'll post it later to see if you guys agree or miss anything.

JBroll, If you're willing to do a math/physics on the studio FAQ, I'd appreaciate. I need just the basics, because I want to avoid going too deep and make it too boring.

Well, I am almost certain I'll get the job. It pays well (If i work full time at it, I'll get up to 5 times the minimum wage that's paid here. That's guaranteed!) and Its fun stuff. I asked him to order a RME Fireface 400, a bunch of Sm57s, Beta 91, some condensers and a M-Audio Octamic :ill:That's the only 8 channel pre we could find on the stores here...
Well, even if you don't teach everything you know, it's good to have a handle on the stuff so you can field questions as they come. I'll get to working on that, and the impedance thing, and something about compression, and I don't remember what else...
