well batman is pretty unappealing, he's pretty ugly, overweight, just overall unattractive and that's not including robin, but spyderman on the hand, he's a lady's man, pretty slick and mysterious, if you chose not to go he makes you go with him and + superman is strong as hell and he can fly

the turts (as i call him) are pretty laid back, you know, beer pizza beer pizza cheese beer beer pizza, you might want to change team ''hauta'' cause when them turts smell the female presence, let's just say, i hope you have 4 holes
Blades, if they are made from adamantium.


and catwoman don't count

fuck batman

next question, would you rather be a lion or a shark, tell us why

personally id be a shark preferably a great white and eat surfers all day everyday
a lion cos of the.................................................... idk, i just don't like sharks xD