Don't Close your door

Dude, I was 17. I didn't want my mom to see me do that :lol:

Had I been older, I would've found it fucking hilarious to stay in. I probably would've been louder on purpose just to scar my mom for life hahaha
Stupid teenage insecurity.

What the fuck dude? I thought you were cool...
I'm kidding, but really, you are perverted! I swear all your post relate to s3x or hittin' some snatch one way or another :lol:

Edit - double-post fuck (fitting for the discussion)
You can't get banned for that you k...n....
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
I'M getting trowed out !!!!!!!!
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !




hihi :D
My mom almost saw my rock-hard cock once as I was shoving it back into my pants cause she fucking ran down the stairs into the living room without warning. Just so happened to be the first time I stuck it up a chick's pooper too :lol:

She fucking ruined it for me! :mad:

You read correctly. I used lube for what it's worth :lol:

That was around 2 years ago, still remember it crystal clear.

having sex = :kickass:

having sex with your mother upstairs = :notworthy

getting caught having sex by your mother = :p

admitting it over the internet = :lol::kickass::rock:
the best thing I ever did in my life was telling my parents I was fucking my girlfriend at age 16, as pissed off as they are, theres no longer awkward tension for the rest of your life when it comes to sexuality around your parents.