What are your favorite Symphony X lyrics?


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
Pictures of what used to be,
lie in pieces on the floor
finds himself in an empty room,
her voice calls out to him
he opens the door, but there's no one there
no one there...

Draped in a silken glow of moonlight
through the mist I see, a lucid cathedral appears to me.
pray for a glimpse of touch of sunlight
chain our shadow down, night settles in, my love,
you never make a sound.

Love is flowing from my fingertips
never in control of this domain.
All around me, my essence lay
watch the vultures circle through the pouring rain.

Close your eyes - and try to remember
discordant lullabies of days gone by.
Close your eyes - on the edge of forever
a chance to dream, fast asleep your nightmare ends.

As the walls converge around me.
castles crumbling down, everything is not
as it seems to be.

Once more, I fells I must return
no more will my soul burn. Dawn breaks the ground,
my love,
and with it you fade away...

Close your eyes - and try to remember
discordant lullabies of days gone by.
Close your eyes - on the edge of forever
a chance to dream, fast asleep your nightmare ends.


Close your eyes - and try to remember
discordant lullabies of days gone by.
Close your eyes - on the edge of forever
a chance to dream, fast asleep your nightmare ends.

My love never dies...
I don't have full lyrics I call my faves (EXCEPT Candlelight Fantasia & Lady Of The Snow), but PARTS are:

Pictures of what used to be,
lie in pieces on the floor
finds himself in an empty room,
her voice calls out to him
he opens the door, but there's no one there
no one there...

As I lay my head to rest your absence will surround me and I'll die another death

Although your words are empty, I can hear now, what you feel inside
The night is drawing closer, you feel you have to hide.

Today I've seen the shallow face I wear inside this shell, a living hell endures
I'm held captive by my fear, decaying hope and wasted years
The knife of time carves another line around these eyes

Can you look into my eyes tell me,
now do you somehow still recognize this stare I wear through crystal tears
The light escapes my smile there is no likeness to be seen,
it is so strange to me

It's all perpetual dreams, this hidden life ain't what it seems
Walking dead we are
Victims of misfortune and lies, and tortured bringers of demise
Circling above like vultures
They reap the harvest that we sew and take, like trusting fools
Promising charade
All days now disappear from weeks to months, from months to years
Forever bound, shackled to the wall

Look to the other side, reach the undefined
Curious to what she doesn't know
Step through the empty air, reveal what wasn't there
A fantasy-her looking glass world
Is it as it seems? Or just a dream within a dream (dream within, dream within a dream)
Like she's been here before, locked behind the door
Held within the grasp of mystic hands
Everything's so strange, the same but rearranged ...

Alone I walk, among the twisting shadows tempted by the ancient magic, the Power of Five
My desire to mirror my own image - and I will offer you no soul - offer you no soul
Tonight darkness will shadow the Light - Symmetry divine, there's no force greater
Dividing the Fathers of Time Feel my hate, I'm banished to this wasteland ...

REDISCOVERY (Part II) - The New Mythology
Again the Titans clash on the edge of this earthen plane
Now from the depths they speak - echoing from the wave -
From the Waves...
Choose the way, five paths there for you to find turn the page, the question lies between the lines can we change?

INFERNO (Unleash The Fire)
Evil lies that mesmerize
from the dragons' tongue they slide
a fury lashes from the ashes
never losing sight

Pounding down the wicked ones
Tyrants now are overcome
A final yell from hounds of Hell
rising we unite

On the field - with sword and shield
amidst the din of dying man's wails
War is waged - and the battle will rage
until only the righteous prevail

From the shadows comes a man,
returning to his land - Winds of change
taint the sweet smell of home

And all around him, he can see
the pain and misery
this tyrant's reign is through
"I will stand and fight... Will you?"

Needless to say, another day has passed away
Yet everything, and nothing, has changed
Awake I lie, my thoughts get lost up in the sky
Needless to say nothing will change

Triumphant - Champion of Ithaca
I will right all the wrongs
Let the Gods sing my song
Triumphant - Champion of Ithaca
Let a new life begin
this is the end of my Odyssey

Seems like forever that my eyes have been denied
Home - I'm finally home
It's been twenty years away from all I ever knew
I have returned to make my dream come true
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
Pictures of what used to be,
lie in pieces on the floor
finds himself in an empty room,
her voice calls out to him
he opens the door, but there's no one there
no one there...

Draped in a silken glow of moonlight
through the mist I see, a lucid cathedral appears to me.
pray for a glimpse of touch of sunlight
chain our shadow down, night settles in, my love,
you never make a sound.

Love is flowing from my fingertips
never in control of this domain.
All around me, my essence lay
watch the vultures circle through the pouring rain.

Close your eyes - and try to remember
discordant lullabies of days gone by.
Close your eyes - on the edge of forever
a chance to dream, fast asleep your nightmare ends.

As the walls converge around me.
castles crumbling down, everything is not
as it seems to be.

Once more, I fells I must return
no more will my soul burn. Dawn breaks the ground,
my love,
and with it you fade away...

Close your eyes - and try to remember
discordant lullabies of days gone by.
Close your eyes - on the edge of forever
a chance to dream, fast asleep your nightmare ends.


Close your eyes - and try to remember
discordant lullabies of days gone by.
Close your eyes - on the edge of forever
a chance to dream, fast asleep your nightmare ends.

My love never dies...

I'm gonna have to agree. Again, the perfect song by the perfect band.
Originally posted by Luis
Definitively Thomas Miller was the one who made the best songs.
He has a special talent to write lyrics.

I like one poem called "Candelight Fantasia" :o :cry:

That is a deeply personal song for me. And is definitely in my Top 3. Ah, fuck it...I'll make a Top 5-

1. The Edge Of Forever
2. Candlelight Fantasia
3. Sea Of Lies(another very personal song for me)
4. Awakenings:cool:
5. 3-way tie~
-A Winter's Dream
I really like the lyrics of Smoke And Mirrors for some reason...possibly because I've interpreted some of the lyrics as being metpahorical of our frnatic and confused society rather than being straight fantasy. I'm probably wrong though... :)

And I miss Tom's lyrics, even more than his playing...Lepond makes up for that. :)
Well i'm not going to specify lyrics in parts but here are the songs :spin:

The Edge Of Forever
Candlelight Fantasia
Sea Of Lies
The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
Out Of The Ashes
Smoke And Mirrors
Lady Of The Snow

that's all I can remember :grin:
Winters dream

Risen to an astral flight, I wander through
the serene with you.
Answers to the voices I hear,
In a Winter's Dream, a dream.

Lady of the Snow

My desire echoes from a tale of ancient lore
As before, mystery fills my eyes
Beauty and bliss, I feel the hands that hold me now
I surrender myself to the night

Communion and the Oracle

From the skies, looking down on you
Through the clouds tainted crystal blue
"Such advancement, yet lacking the
so unaware of your earthly roles"

Praise this child and the words of her
A sacred gift - Magic of the Five will
bring you tranquillity
A new order of equality

King of Terrors

Terrified - to the left and to the right
Spirits of the Damned - Iron Shadow's cast
Hear my desperate cries
Shrieking Demon - far and wide
Praying for this breath should be my last
I'd say that my favourites are King Of Terrors (which has become my favourite SyX tune!) and Egypt. I also like this part from The Odyssey:

Seem like forever that my eyes have been denied
Home - I'm dreaming of home
I've been twenty years away from all I ever knew
To return would make my dream come true

This part is just so amazing with all the emotion in it, Russell's vocals and Mike's acoustic guitar.
Originally posted by Luis
Definitively Thomas Miller was the one who made the best songs.
He has a special talent to write lyrics.

I like one poem called "Candelight Fantasia" :o :cry:

Thomas Miller was THE guy. For some reason I think his lyrics are the best ever. My fave? I guess the Eyes of Medusa.

Thomas is the reason I started reading a lot of fantasy and SF-stuff, so I can come up with lyrics like that for my own songs.