What's that film?


Jan 21, 2010
What's the film where the action figures come to life and these kids play with them and shiz? Later on all of the other toys start to come to life as well and in one scene a boy gets attacked by a load of dolls. I can't remember the name and I want to watch it again lol. Some of the dolls are like soldiers as well if that helps.

Post any films you can't remember as well (it's the most annoying thing in the world when you can't remember amirite?)
Small Soldiers?

No problem. :p

Is it bad that I immediately remembered that movie even though I only saw it once? :lol:
I was trying to remember the name of this movie the other day, was about to post a question on yahoo answers but you guys saved me the trouble :lol:

I can remember the stupidest shit I swear..... I haven't watched Pokemon in like 10 years, but when by little brother pulled the old videos out of the garage and watched em, I instantly remembered EVERYTHING that happened in that episode. :lol:
Yet, ask me what the shortage was from the shipment we got on 3/3 and I have no damn clue. :lol: