whats the best vampire movie id be able to get at Suncoast Video at my local mall?

Chromatose said:
the story for the first one was way better... but the animation for the second is incredible, that makes up for the crappy story
Just watched both in succession...mmmmmm... Can't think of two better vampire films. VHD rules.
I also dig Lost Boys.

From Dusk Til Dawn is a riot. Best part about it is that every time Quentin T. gets annoying, he gets hit/stabbed. The way it should be all the time. :)

BAD vampire film:
- Vampire. was on USA last night. They took after vampires with guns... :erk:
great ones (that everyone already listed):

lost boys
near dark
nosferatu (w/ klaus kinski)
the hunger
salem's lot
innocent blood

more obscure ones:

tale of a vampire
to sleep with a vampire (totally campy but cool - strippers galore!)
dance of the damned (previous version of "to sleep..." above - strippers!)


blood: the last vampire (i love this!)
vampire hunter d/vampire hunter d: bloodlust
Yes, together the Vampire Hunter D movies kick major ass. Of course, not as much ass as Princess Mononoke, but we are talking about vampire movies, aren't we?
The Subspecies series, by Full Moon pictures.

The first Waxwork movie has a vampire section, but the whole movie is kinda good.