Whats the chance of Chris Caffery at ProgPower


Jan 11, 2006
I know he was there for the Weapons of Mass Destruction show. But curious what his chances are for him to be there solo. Do other people here enjoy his solo material as much as I do? I'd love to hear him do "Pisses Me Off" live. Not that its a technical masterpiece... but damn, I love that song. His other songs are very good too. We all know he's an excellent musician from his work with Savatage/TSO -- but his solo album.. is just something else. I also wish I could have heard him sing at ProgPower V =)
I heard the new stuff this weekend - I think alot of people who were critical of the last one will be surprised. He and Dr, Killdrums are playing the Lorca fest in Spain this weekend
There may be some US dates in August and Sept... and he is working on PMO '06 as well
Not sure about PP though
Ehhh...I like Chris and all, but I'd rather see him back with Savatage. I'd go to a club to see him with his solo band, but I have no desire to see him play ProgPower with his solo band.
Cheiron said:
I know he was there for the Weapons of Mass Destruction show. But curious what his chances are for him to be there solo. Do other people here enjoy his solo material as much as I do? I'd love to hear him do "Pisses Me Off" live. Not that its a technical masterpiece... but damn, I love that song. His other songs are very good too. We all know he's an excellent musician from his work with Savatage/TSO -- but his solo album.. is just something else. I also wish I could have heard him sing at ProgPower V =)

Wow. Funny you should mention his name. I just got off the phone with Chris. I have a surprise interview with him that I'll post on the NotesFromTheOtherSide.com web site in the very near future. (No, to my knowledge he's not playing ProgPowerUSA. But he has worked with Zak Stevens and is a member of the mighty Savatage.)

I spoke to him for about an hour about his latest album (W.A.R.P.E.D.), TSO, the state of the music industry...and the state of the world. It was an unguarded moment and Chris got a lot off his chest. I think it'll make for fascinating reading. I hope y'all agree.


I'd be interested in seeing him play Progpower. I could see something on that order for the opening slots, to sort of kick the festival off with some "shred".
I would like to see it. I liked his solo stuff. Granted, I would PREFER seeing Savatage -- but I'll take what I can get. :)

One of the greatest things I have witnessed at a concert was Savatage playing the Hourglass -- everyone was at mic stands for the multipart round. It was incredible. The audience looked like goldfish in an aquarium -- their mouths on the floor. After the round, everyone looked at each other asking "did you see that? did you hear that?!?"
