Whats the deal with gold?


Apr 16, 2007
I've been watching a fair bit of TV lately, especially CNN, and I noticed that more and more people are buying gold. Which means that no matter how much they sell, they'll be making a shit-ton of money somehow. Which means someone is buying gold from the front-end. Which means those people buying gold from the front-end are creating a funnel into one ultimate source.

So here's a question: When someone owns more gold than the government, what happens? Can they BUY the government if it's in so much of a pickle that the government itself needs a bailout?
Gold would have nothing to do with it, as the government long abandoned the gold standard. You would have to trade in the gold for dollars and then use the dollars in the exact same way current dollars could be used. So a better question would be, could Microsoft with its billions of dollars bail out the government?!
hahah reminds me of all those TV commercials


They send you an envelope and you just fill it with gold and mail it back, and then they send you whatever they think its worth! haha!
I've been watching a fair bit of TV lately, especially CNN, and I noticed that more and more people are buying gold. Which means that no matter how much they sell, they'll be making a shit-ton of money somehow. Which means someone is buying gold from the front-end. Which means those people buying gold from the front-end are creating a funnel into one ultimate source.

So here's a question: When someone owns more gold than the government, what happens? Can they BUY the government if it's in so much of a pickle that the government itself needs a bailout?

watch Zeitgeist
The economy is down and people are in dire need of liquid assets. There are a lot of people desperate enough to sell off their few pieces of good heirloom jewelry to make it through, and these businesses are taking advantage of that fact by offering cash. They pay a lot less than the items are worth, of course, just as you might at a pawn shop. Gold is a stable asset (in fact it gains in value in a down economy), so there is no real risk involved for the business offering cash. Since the payday loan scams mostly got shut down, this is just the latest form (and honestly this this particular business model probably dates back to ancient times).
GOOOOOLD! SWEET DELICIOUS GOOOLD!!! *dances a merry jig around a jug of gin*
Well I'm on the computer or that, if I'm not out smoking weed with my buddies or drinking. It's quite the life :D