what's the lamest thing you've ever been busted for?

I was bowling with some friends this summer, and I was using the 6 pound ball, palming it and all but throwing it down the lane (because I suck at bowling and do goofy stuff to keep from being bored by losing) and some guy who worked there told me not to use that ball because that was for little kids to use.

What does that guy know about bowling anyway?
omg i can't believe i forgot this one: when i was a sophmore in college i was with about 5 other people and we all got arrested for taking a lawn chair and smashing out car windows while driving by them in a van with the door open (if that makes sense).

they let me go though because i looked small and innocent.

i was the one doing the dirty work.
once i think me, toby, and byron were parading around on my front lawn at 3am with a giant inflatable orca and then some cop came by and shined a floodlight at us and we scattered like roaches.

I could be conflating two separate incidents, but both of those things happened.

another time we were screwing around on a playground playset eating taco bell and a bunch of police cars surrounded us and captured us and accused us of stealing my parents' car.
i went to my elementary school playground every night from midnight until 4 am and was on the swingset for an entire 6 month period. every... single... night. the police would always pull up, say someone reported a prowler, and then say 'oh hi amanda... how's your dad?' and then leave.

i should add that i was 25 at the time.
our neighbors called the police once because jezreal was 'raping' their giant inflatable alf pool toy. the cops never came though.
he was also expelled for a month for peeing in the garbage can in study hall. and once got arrested for having sex with a tree in public.
there's a swingset, park, jungle gym, etc about a hundred and fifty feet from my house now. during the day, it's full of Orthodox Jews, and at night, it's full of trippin' kids.
damn i even sometimes want to move home literally (and admitting this is embarrassing) just so i can use the swingset every night.
xfer said:
once i think me, toby, and byron were parading around on my front lawn at 3am with a giant inflatable orca and then some cop came by and shined a floodlight at us and we scattered like roaches.

I could be conflating two separate incidents, but both of those things happened.
better to mix up those two stories than to say you got caught making out with an inflatable orca.
When I was 5 in kindergarten some kid dared me to sneak around breaking all the pencil tips while everyone was napping, so I did. He ratted on me as soon as naptime was up, and I was spanked by the principal with a big flat wooden paddle with holes in the middle. Traumatizing, to say the least. I never trusted fat people again.
When I was around 10 years old, in a house that was in the process of being built, my brother bribed me (with Wolverine and Silver Surfer hologram cards) to poop in a bike helmet we found in it. The catch: I had to do it from the second floor down to the ground floor. Well, I hit the target (nice aim :grin: ), got my cards, and my parents found out about it and grounded me (which was unheard of, I was a precious little angel!).

Yeah. Beat that.