What's the problem with my mix?

This sounds like you have cut all of the bass off the whole track, and possibly a lot of the treble as well, the whole thing sounds very distorted, how did you record this?
Way to much distortion and treble on the guitars, also there are no body or bottom.
The drums are to low and way to much ambient and reverb on them, so the kick, toms and the snare just dissapears in behind the guitars.
You should totaly take a look at "The patch" that you can find in the "Sturgis Faq" thread, there you can find some eq tips too.
Literally like way way too much treble. It's all fuzzy to me. Eq the heck out of those guitars. And turn everything up. The drums especially, and eq a lot of the high hissing from the cymbals. This doesn't sound mastered. What did you do to master it?
Whoa. It sounds like the entire mix was hi-passed up to like 1khz. What happened? Did you mix this on ipod headphones? All I can hear on my monitors is high-end scratch, no tone, body or definition in any of the instruments or the mix overall.
I mixed this on my logitech x530 speakers. Idk what's happening because on my speakers it just sounds like the whole thing is flooded with low end.
I recorded the guitar and bass through Pod Farm 2 Ux1 there's a picture of my actual eq settings for the guitar in this thread.

I don't know all the technical things about mixing and mastering yet but I'm trying to learn.
The EQ on your guitar should be reversed, it's a huge smile type EQ. That 9.3k shelf boost would explain the fizz.
^ these guys are right. Slightly bad advice on my behalf. I was speaking very generally.

+1 always use your ears
The new mix is a lot better! A few quick questions for you; (I'm on my laptop speakers at the moment so forgive me if I'm off with a few things)

- Randomize the velocities on the drums a little bit, especially the cymbals. They sound a bit too robotic (unless that's what you're going for)
- It sounds like you have the velocity for the kick all we way at 127 and the snare at like 90 or so. The snare's not getting that thwack to it. Try mixing it with some other samples, throwing a limiter or a transient designer on it. The snare also sounds a bit dark.
- The guitars are pretty good, still getting some of that fuzz from podfarm. Filter out some around 2k and 6k and see if that helps it out some!
- Also I can't tell if there's bass in this, but if there is it should definitely be up more! Bass adds A LOT to guitar tone.