What's up with Anthrax.com right now?


Dec 16, 2002
There's been stuff all updates, news, Alpha Male's, Blast Beats lately on our favourite webpage. I'd thought that with a tour that's winding up soon and the new record coming out soon there'd be a lot to read up on but it's dead? Whats going on?
...and still nothing up there on the site about the Deathrider video shoot thats happening today 26th Oct. Theres an article up on Blabbermouth.net about it.

I've been swamped and have been trying to get a new AM together. The tour is over on Saturday. I'll have it together soon.
As far as the site, trust me, a major overhaul is coming.
I reakon the site itself is great, don't get me wrong. I was just posting cause there hasn't been a lotta news or new articles for a while.