What's up with the aggressive security head?

I also had to dump a few granola bars when I first went in at 3:30. However, when I went out later and returned around 7 or so, there wasn't any search whatsoever.
I don't recall security being that obnoxious back in 2008 & 2009. If they really wanted to be proactive they should have refused entry to people carrying pillow cases.
Much more relaxed today. Thanks for addressing that, Glenn.

In the future if there were to be any other dramatic security changes from years past us peons/commoners/plebians would love a heads up.
I normally try not to complain on here, because I'm grateful for the festival. With that said, the security really pissed me off this year. I let them know it on several occasions. I don't like being treated like a damn criminal. I realize this isn't a reflection on Glenn, but I'm glad that he's aware of this situation. A lot of us have been going to this festival for years and I honestly don't think we're a typical "metal" crowd.

Normally, I don't like being a dick to security as I know they are only trying to do their job and prevent any shenanigans from ruining the show, but on Friday, I had to. They tried to pull the patdown thing and wanted to search my camera bag. I basically told them bullshit they are not. I am VIP and I was already in and out of the venue at least three times. I just kept walking right on in.

Glad that Glenn was made aware of it, and security was no problem for Saturday.
Yeah, night 1 sales were dead. There was no one drinking at the bar in Vinyl nor any action. Every vendor closed early. We scratched our heads wondering why the buying pattern and traffic was not there.

Night two was normal again!
Yeah, night 1 sales were dead. There was no one drinking at the bar in Vinyl nor any action. Every vendor closed early. We scratched our heads wondering why the buying pattern and traffic was not there.

Night two was normal again!

I'm thinking it might be a lot of people waiting to take advantage of the Night Two price reductions.
I only got the pat down once, on Friday when entering for the first time. I was able to go in and out other times w/o it. The part I thought was silly was requiring hand stamps for re-entry even with badges, because it's not like I would not be allowed back in with a badge - how would they know I wasn't just coming in for the first time? But I imagine that could just be some sort of compliance thing, businesses always have to do silly stuff because of liquor licenses, and as patrons, we definitely don't want that to be revoked!

My fun experience with said security person; I had to share because I just could not believe these words actually came out of his mouth...

I have health issues and have "as needed" meds. He saw the script bottles in my bag and said I couldn't go in with them. I explained, I have a state issued ID, which matches the name on the pharmacy issued prescription bottles. He then told me, "How do I know that your ID isn't a fake and the prescriptions too." :guh::guh:

Guess we all got in and drank on our fake IDs...

There did seem to be a few things different from previous years that would never seemed to have been a problem before. A bit of a more hostle vibe with security than previous years as well, but nothing major.
Gold badgers STILL filtered in the dealers room before they were suppose to. It is a bit annoying; on Friday it wasn't as many as Saturday but...
All in all most was as smooth as usual.