What's with MTV and Anthrax?


Perpetually In A Zone
Jun 13, 2003
San Antonio
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I was watching the All Things Rock show and while Linkin Park is introducing their video, MTV plays Black Lodge for some background music. Also, I have heard them play Fuel when they come back from commercial break. Shouldn't Anthrax get some airtime in exchange for the rights to play their songs?
I've noticed that too...and the commercial for Uranium shows parts of Black Lodge video.
The local radio station here plays bits of Pantera, and Slipknot, but they never play those 2 bands, and for awhile, they used System Of A Down's Sugar, but would never play System Of A Down, they still won't play Sugar though. Eventhough that's their best song.
It can best be summed up by a song by Beck,
MTV Makes Me Want to Smoke Crack.

MTV just sucks more and more. MTV2 came out and I thought cool now they have made up for past wrongs. After about a year of good videos they started playing the same video's over and over, mostly hip-hop.
Your radio station doesn't play Pantera or System Of A Down? That's gotta suck, but you're not really missing anything with them not playing Slipknot. My local station doesn't play Anthrax, which is about the only complaint I have about them, the classic rock station here sometimes plays Testament, which is cool.
ThinkAboutYourEnd said:
Your radio station doesn't play Pantera or System Of A Down? That's gotta suck, but you're not really missing anything with them not playing Slipknot. My local station doesn't play Anthrax, which is about the only complaint I have about them, the classic rock station here sometimes plays Testament, which is cool.
They play the new trendy System Of A Down, but according to what they play, System didn't have an album before Toxicity.
And no Anthrax, except on Ass Kickin' 80's where they will only play the old 80's Thrax, which won't get new listener's to Thrax because no one really listens to the Ass Kickin 80's. And I like Slipknot actually. But Anthrax is better anyways.
I went to the Mall today and went in Anchor Blue too look at Jeans and shirts.

Safe home was cranking lound over the stores speakers,they had shitty clothes but I did not leave tell I heard the whole song.
Obviously I can list way more complaints about KISS (the station here in San Antonio). Like tonight, I called during the All Request Zone and requested Anthrax and they said "ok, no problem", which obviously means they aren't gonna play it, they say that everytime. Meanwhile, they are starting to play that lameass White Stripes song every goddamn night, it makes me puke.
MTV has done this a lot with them I guess. They used SOD in the background of the old Headbangers Ball clips of the cars running into wall and bulls stomping on guys heads. This old poser station in LA "Pirate Radio" used Anthrax's Pipeline cover for background on surf reports. People realize they're great but no real recoginition, that sucks.
Riehlthing said:
I've requested Anthrax too...
"We'll see what we can do for you..."
Everyone knows what that means.

The same as "We'll try to fit them in," or "We'll squeeze them in somewhere."

What a bunch of asscocks. They have no problem playing Linkin Park all fucking night, but when we want something cool...
Riehlthing said:
I've requested Anthrax too...
"We'll see what we can do for you..."
Everyone knows what that means.

If I had a nickle for everytime I heard that, I'd have like...30 cents or something.
refuse2Bdenied said:
All of us Anthrax fans should go fuck up MTV when TRL is on. Like mess with the show!

Never happen.

Their outside security is kick ass and they have the cops ear. They get bad elements moved across the street out of camera view quickly.
Ragamuffin said:
Never happen.

Their outside security is kick ass and they have the cops ear. They get bad elements moved across the street out of camera view quickly.

If i'm ever in New York and i'm alone i'll make a big sign that says metal is forever and fuck Carson ont he back! Then i'll make one that says Rap is crap and pop is for fags! LOL
Riehlthing said:
I'm more persistent than...cause I think I'd have enough for a Slurpee.

45% of the time I try to call KBPI, it's busy.
50% of the time I try to call, it just rings forever.
5% of the time I get through and am told, "Anthrax...ummmmm.......yeah......I'll see what I can do....."
I asked my friend who works at MTV about that. He said there is a guy that works with him in the production department that is in charge of the backround and fade music for the majority of the "rock shows." Is there more than one? Anyway, he's a huge Anthrax fan, and is constantly putting Anthrax in as backround music, especially during the "All Things Rock" show with those to ass-goblins from Good Charlotte.