What's with the American government and the crisis?

here's the bottom line on this whole mess:

problem #1: congress is currently made up of a large faction of retards (tea party, i.e. IQ less than 80). these people would rather see the country go down in flames then see their ideology go to the wayside. today's massive DOW drop is a direct result of their behavior and actions this past few weeks with the debt ceiling debacle. i'd like to hope it's the first and only result of the past few weeks, but i think there's more bad stuff to come.

problem #2: all republicans are protecting the top 1 or 2% of America's wealthiest people. this blows my mind in a democratic society. if we the people govern this country, and 98% of the people are not the wealthiest people in this country,than how in the hell do people like this get elected? unfortunately, due to poor voter turn-out by the middle-class and poor, religion and lobbyist (all paid for by big money making corporations).

this country's been sold-out and taken over by a small faction of greedy pricks and retards. she ain't what she use to be, that's for damn sure. if the middle-class doesn't get their ass in gear come next year's election, who knows what's going to happen.
the upper class citizens that are in really bad credit card debt are specifically celebrities, since celebrities are usually dumber than the rest of Americans, you haven't really contradicted me

Right, I'm sure there are zero politicians, business owners, wall street or corporate executives etc. etc. etc. in credit card debt. Good to know we have an expert on the forum here to set us all straight... Haven't really contradicted you? :lol: Alrighty.
China uses this credit to invest at another countries, so the US now will have to pay to other creditor.

AFAIK China uses the interests paid by the US to build and strenghten their own infrastructure, not to invest in other countries.
They specifically buy US debt as it helps them gain more and more leverage, while also get paid more interests.

At least that's what I've read.
This is not cool ....
S&P downgrades US debt to AA+
The US had its AAA credit rating downgraded for the first time by Standard & Poor’s to AA+ based on its judgment that the debt ceiling deal agreed by lawmakers would not be enough to curtail record deficits.“The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government’s medium-term debt dynamics,” S&P said in a statement released late on Friday.Global equity markets had suffered their worst week since the depths of the financial crisis, only to face the prospect of a downgrade.The ratings cut followed a dispute with the US administration over the agency’s calculations when it was notified on Friday, resulting in a delay in the announcement.
I'm pretty sure what monoxide was stressing is just that the income gap between people in the US is pretty bad, and it seems to only be getting worse. I think he's defining the middle class as someone who would make the median of incomes. Maybe? Very few people do that, though, because of the high concentration of wealth like the top 1% owning 34.6% of all wealth.