What's Wrong With Metal Today


Buddha with drugs & anger
Aug 28, 2003
the set of a Mad Max movie

And so, to prove my hypothesis -- that the whole world has gone c-r-a-z-y that this shit is actually in the mainstream now -- I did what no one in America over 13 years of age has the patience (or time) to do: I sat down for a good hard listen to the country's most popular nü metal albums, poring over the cover art, getting that nasty headphone sweat over my ears and, perhaps most important, perusing the lyric sheets.

Boy, is my sense of irony tired.

In the absence of Nirvana -- and just about every other good band that, for one reason or another, imploded and failed to produce decent singles during the latter half of the '90s -- nü metal has done well with the seemingly always-fledgling modern rock radio format. This, in a lot of cases, might cause some of the bands mentioned here to be identified as the new sound of what was called alternative music.

My love for this site cannot be overstated. :worship:
Upon reflection, I was just remembering that it is true most hardcore metal fans are either hillbilly white trash (moops as he calls them), or ordinary males who live for the fantasy of metal. This classification which is largely true in American society is one reason I dont care to go to metal shows anymore.

Honestly if i had been into metal as a teenager( i was into hard rock/alt rock as metal was pretty much dead in the early and mid nineties- pretty much sort of trying to fit in with what was popular at the time), there is no way in hell i would still be listening to metal today, as I would have recognized metal as a stupid immature period of teenage rebellion/ trying to find a group to fit in etc., and I would be embarassed about my love of metal- just as i am embarassed about alot of dumb things i did when i was a teen.

However there are alot of normal males that like metal simply because of its over the top- aggressive, and excitig nature. Im talking about the fair weather fans, those guys you know that listen to Metallica, and Led Zeppelin, as well as all other forms of music, just nothing on the underground etc Most males 18-35 have a copy of metallica or Ac dc somewhere in their possession.
What are you guys talking about!? 1) Thats been said a million times by a million different people, he's saying absoltly nothing new 2)Nu metal isn't even popular anymore, why do people feel the need to keep bitching about it. The only reason I can find is people seem to think it makes them look smart or more sophistocated, quit being fucking sheep.
crimsonfloyd said:
What are you guys talking about!? 1) Thats been said a million times by a million different people, he's saying absoltly nothing new 2)Nu metal isn't even popular anymore, why do people feel the need to keep bitching about it. The only reason I can find is people seem to think it makes them look smart or more sophistocated, quit being fucking sheep.
Bullshit, nu-metal is still increadibly popular, people are kidding themselves by saying it's dead comercially. The last records by Linkin Park, Staind, Limp Bizkit, Disturbed, Manson, Papa Roach, and POD have all gone to #1 and their singles still clutter the radio. Besides, it's not that he said something increadibly original but instead that he presented the points better than most of the "limp pisskit sux, all they doo is bitch!1" type of anti-nu-metal rants. Plus he was articulate. So it was overall a pretty good article.
If the records go to number one they fall to about twenty by the next week, with the exception of Linkin Park who is very popular still. But the bottom line is nu metal just isn't that popular any more. I mean the biggest bands, like Limp Bizkit have droped from playing arenas to playing midsized venues, so I'm not saying its dead, but its relitivly unpopular as comapred to pop punk or the THE bands and that psudo garage rock. People just like attacking nu metal cuz its an easy target despite the fact that it isn't that popular any more...
crimsonfloyd said:
quit being fucking sheep.

I tried being a non-conformist, but they didn't want me as part of their group. I guess I just didn't fit in. :p

I don't like pandering to pseudo-intellectual bitching about how stupid people are, but I can't avoid it when these are the only metal bands that get any press in this country. Yeah, nu metal is past its peak (both in terms of innovation and popularity), but these are still the bands that everyone today thinks of, when they think about metal. It's just sad that your average metal fan remains either a braindead burnout, or a naive, angst-ridden teenager. It's horribly shocking to watch footage from South America, Asia, and Europe, finding that attractive and intellgient people go to metal shows. WTF are we so backwards? :err:

The problem with music in this country, is that people buy it less for the experience of artistic expression, and more to advertise their lifestyle and social circle. :hypno:
the article lost any credablity when he talked be nirvna being the saving grace, nirvana is just as bad as any agnsty nu"metal" band, this guy knows nothing about metal, antoher damn psedo-inteelual, who thinks radiohead are gods
why the hell was this guy listening to nu-metal, and then calling the world crazy over his massive mistake. and if your going to comment on society you must at least expect that their are going to be a crap-oad of people who dont delve into art - i mean look at the lack of art in america! so few good bands come out of here (although, if you could enlighten me, i may retract my statement)
DoctorX3 said:
I tried being a non-conformist, but they didn't want me as part of their group. I guess I just didn't fit in. :p

DoctorX3 said:
I don't like pandering to pseudo-intellectual bitching about how stupid people are, but I can't avoid it when these are the only metal bands that get any press in this country. Yeah, nu metal is past its peak (both in terms of innovation and popularity), but these are still the bands that everyone today thinks of, when they think about metal.
Thats why when talking to people who know little to nothing about metal I explain I listen to the European styles of metal mostly. Even if they dont know what it is, they know its not Linkin Park...
Tindor said:
the article lost any credablity when he talked be nirvna being the saving grace, nirvana is just as bad as any agnsty nu"metal" band, this guy knows nothing about metal, antoher damn psedo-inteelual, who thinks radiohead are gods

I can't help it, the majority of my generation anointed Kurt Cobain as their savior. Anyone able to capture the attention of that many peope entire course of popular culture and pop music, is a genius in at least one respect. He was a horrible singer, a sloppy-ass guitar player, and a pseudo-intellectual philosopher.

He still wrote very catchy riffs and melodies, with a damned good rhythm section backing him. That counts for a lot, especially when your music appeals to so many different demographics, in so many different ways. He may have popularized indie rock and punk snobbery, but music geeks are just as much to blame for that as he is. :Smug:
a well written article with lots of good points although i think it was unfair to mention Fear Factory. Although Digimortal had a very nu-metal gleam to it, it was still a pretty good album (minus the shitty stuff like "Back Tha Fuck Up") and i don't think that the writer of this article understood the story behind the lyrics from Obsolete, it was a concept album about a future where technology has taken over (as far as i can remember, i haven't read the lyrics for a long time). And the lyrics he picked from "Shock" are not angst-ridden lyrics, they are more ( i believe) about the horror and shock that arose because the world had turned in to such a shithole.

Theres my rant, i know there will probably be a lot of people that will disagree with my point of view and say that fear factory suck, yada yada, but it's my opinion and i'm sticking to it.
I agree with a lot this guy's post:

DoctorX3 said:
I don't like pandering to pseudo-intellectual bitching about how stupid people are, but I can't avoid it when these are the only metal bands that get any press in this country.

Thats also true of the UK.

DoctorX3 said:
Yeah, nu metal is past its peak (both in terms of innovation and popularity),

Innovation? Adding rap vocals/lyrics to metal and perhaps a DJ too... other than that i dont see the 'innovation'. I still believe nu-metal is still pretty popular. And from what i've seen, Alternative anything is becoming the mainstream everything; i see people dressed in full black, dark make-up perhaps, black leather jackets, black boots (namely Doc Martens), various pop-punk pop metal hoodies and tshirts etc. This is just my personal observation of the city i live in.

DoctorX3 said:
but these are still the bands that everyone today thinks of, when they think about metal. It's just sad that your average metal fan remains either a braindead burnout, or a naive, angst-ridden teenager. It's horribly shocking to watch footage from South America, Asia, and Europe, finding that attractive and intellgient people go to metal shows. WTF are we so backwards? :err:

I cant really agree or disagree about the state of metal fans in the US since i live here. But... when you say attractive... I cant recall seeing ANY 'good' looking chicks that are into metal. I've seen a couple (Yes, 2 max) alternative/gothic - types that were attractive but i doubt they were into metal (says instinct). The trend seems to be that the more attractive the girl the worse their music taste is. Maybe I'm in the wrong part of Europe for metal chicks :(

One thing i will say about nu - metal fans in general, again from personal experience, is that they have no idea about the history of Metal. I mean they know who is Ozzy is but dont appreciate his influence. Whereas those I've met who prefer non nu-metal actually know some of the facts. My impression of those that prefer nu-metal have no real passion for the music. That is something that really gets to me, its frustrating to talk with them when they have no real concept of the music.

Faults with what ive said: I dont know all nu-metallers so this stereotype doesnt apply to them all, and knowing the history of metal does not mean you are necessarily passionate about it, but those who are passionate about metal do tend to study the music.
Furthermore, my flat mate likes some nu-metal and knows a lot about metal. Silly fool. :p
Shittiest writing I have ever read.

Think of all the amazing bands that new metal has brought us...

Kid Rock..

Need I say more.
Fuck thats the worst.....I'd personally like to take anyone who beleives that musical abortions like P.O.D. are in any sense metal and slowly remove their skin, roll it in salt then make them put it back on.

The only place for christ in metal is beneath a large goat-headed entity, screaming in agony whilst brutaly sodomized with a prick of hot iron.