What's wrong with this picture?


Living the dream!
Oct 8, 2002
Somewhere at 33,000'
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I was watching a movie on YouTube called "The Obama Deceit." It's a conspiracy theory thing that tries to prove that Obama is a puppet for the global banking powers. It's pretty typical for that type of thing. Little proof, lots of conjecture, but plausible and scary if true. Anyway, as I was watching it, they were talking about how the media is under the sway of these powers, so they showed the huge reach of these global media conglomerates by scrolling them across the screen with their subsidiaries below them. Something caught my eye. Let's see if you can spot it too.

Is that the same "InsideOut" as the record label?

I did some checking around the internet and found out that News Corporation did indeed own an "InsideOut". This was a magazine for interior decorators that was published in the United Kingdom, which has since apparently folded. It is NOT the record label, which is still fully independent (and based in Germany).


Obviously, whoever did that video did not do a very good job in actual research, but than again, what do you expect from a conspiracy theory video (regardless if you actually agree with the current administration or not (I don't)).

BTW, do a "google" on "InsideOut" and you'd be surprised at just how many different entities/companies out there that are called "InsideOut" or at least use "InsideOut" in their names.

Seriously, I want new world order style dictatorial force used against anyone who actually buys into this shit. I laughed out loud when I saw Winamp and InsideOut Records on there.

There's nothing "plausible" about this whatsoever. Yeah, Cartoon Network and Court TV are a real threat. I'm sure Obama is brainwashing me every day when I watch the Venture Bros. Give me a fucking break. *slams head against keyboard*
I'm pretty sure that that Shadow Gallery album has fingerprint scanners so that when you open it it sends all of your info to a database for when the new world order comes and they can lock us up into camps easier.