Whats your ethnic background?

Purely Finnish

AKA Some kind of Indo-European (cba to look it up) raped by Mongols.

My father is 1/4 Czech, 1/4 Slovak, and 1/2 German. My mother is mostly Spanish, but also some African, English, and possibly Carib mixed in there. The knowledge stops with my black great grandfather. I don't know what part of Spain her ancestors were from, but they're lighter-skinned so probably not the south.
Australian and italian.

but Im fucking living in south america

not a bad thing, but I wish live in australia or scotland..miss scotland : (
italian (and possibly austrian) on my mom's side. german, english, irish, scottish and swedish (so far from all things i have researched) on my dad's side. i am an american, though.
Dad: Most English and Irish.
Mom: Almost all German and English with a little Swiss and Irish.
Mainly a Northern European hybrid with some Jewish blood thrown in there. The specific nationalities and ethnicities we KNOW of are German, Norwegian, English, Scottish, and Jewish.
mom: german and some other european, i should really figure out what lol.
dad: black, part whire (not really sure what), native American ( i think cheerokee)... my dad look like an extremist from saudi arabia lol, which is hilarious. with all of that mixed... i look middle eastern too, cuz mixed with... puerto rican i think. i dunno,.
anyway im pretty much racialy ambiguous. but living in southern california, everyone just thinks im mexican, lol
My dad's side of the family is purely Scottish back to the early 1600s then I have no idea. Mum's is from northern England/Scotland border back to the mid 1700s.

I love how Americans especially have to list off like 128937192312 countries when talking about their heritage.
On dad's side, my ancestors are Russians, on the mother's side - mostly Ukrainians, although some of them are Russians. I'm a pure Slavic bloods.
My fathers side is swiss. Goes all the way back to the Helvetii as far as anyone can tell.
My mother was born in america, the daughter of German and Polish immigrants.