What's your favorite reaper feature?


Nov 30, 2007
Dayton, Ohio
I've been reading the manual a little more in depth and I have found a few things that I can't believe I lived without before... the first one being able to hide your tracks in either the track list or the mixer. THIS has been real helpful in the tracking stage just because it really cleans things up for me visually. Instead of being distracted by my brown bass track, blue drum tracks, and dark red guitars(brutal) while working on vocals(my sessions look like bad 70s wallpaper), I can really focus on my few vocal tracks. I don't know, for some reason I'm reallly liking this feature (and i KNOW pt has had it for a long time, so suck it! :lol:). What's YOUR favorite reaper feature? Is it screen sets? Being able to change almost ANYTHING? Keep in mind that what you say doesn't have to be unique to reaper... I'm hoping we all can find something that we possibly looked over while reading that will lead to more steamlined workflows and generally make things a tad more fun.
the thing that most appeals to me is perfomance, and reaper's so lightweight compared to other DAW's it just can't be beaten for me. BUT... did they already include a decent freeze function?.... i stopped worrying about that a while ago... when the day comes, i'll move to reaper.
Btw... i love the mixer too, rows save a LOT of space =]
There is still no official freeze function. There had been a freeze macro made by someone, dunno if it still works.

I personnaly ghetto render the tracks I wanna freeze, manually.

- My favourite feature is the whole routing abilities. You can route anything anywhere. Also, having no difference between midi/audio/aux/fx/bus/ tracks is really cool.
- I love the possibility to change anything, especially the skin with ctrl/alt/pagup or down. some of them are really nice and clean.
- The mixer is simple and easy to read but depends on your skin.
- Rea plugins are really good. I just discovered yesterday ReaTune that I personnaly find easier than autotune and free. It doesn't sound as good but it's plain simple to use.
- Opens in seconds, no crap hidden in the code, it's light and efficient.

- Still waiting the day they would implement a real beat detective/elastic audio in reaper so that it becomes an editing killer software. You can autodetect and slice tracks but I feel stretching audio in reaper does not sound so good so I don't know yet, maybe it's me who should learn deeply how to "BD" in reaper properly.
- It clean-crashes often here, but I think it's my line6 UX2 fault, it may be the line6 crash crashing Reaper. It must be only me, always read it's rock stable.
Nested folders!!! Has made my workflow a million times easier.

The included plugins are awesome as well. ReaEQ, ReaComp, and ReaGate are just flat out excellent to work with and are super versatile.
Ultra-flexible routing, slim code, high customizability, quality stock plugins, mobility, frequent updates, great metering... etc. etc.
FX Chains and the aforementioned routing matrix, definitely, as well as the speed and efficiency

But I actually never knew you could hide tracks in the mix and/or edit window, I'd love to know how to do this! :headbang:
yeah stability is key too... my sonar crashes sometimes when moving or duplicating vst's from track to track while playing or something like that, that doesn't happen in reaper... and yeah i freeze the ghetto way too but... OMG COCKOOS is it like... a programming challege? 'cause if it's a 'philosophy' thing it's like... stupid =/. it's kind'a frustrating 'cuse it's got so many good points over other DAW's but i use freeze so damn much when tracking things like 'demo' tracks to base the SUPERTIGHT playing on later. oh and i tried the macro... and it didn't work =(, did on the older versions. (maybe i'm fucking up something but, i'm sick of that weird function)
Well, I don't realley miss a dedicated Freeze function... There's always "render to stem tracks and mute originals" or, what I like, "render track fx to new take"
Yeah but those things will always use up another track. I'm really missing it on PT too. There are work arounds but all of them are flawed in one way or another. It's just so damn easy and convenient in Cubase...
I only have mixed 2 little projects in reaper yet but I love it. It has a thing called "apply tracks fx to items as a new take" and this is awesome when cpu usage becomes a problem. Any of you knows a feature like this for cubase? have to export and put the files again in project sucks and takes a lot of time.
I only have mixed 2 little projects in reaper yet but I love it. It has a thing called "apply tracks fx to items as a new take" and this is awesome when cpu usage becomes a problem. Any of you knows a feature like this for cubase? have to export and put the files again in project sucks and takes a lot of time.

That would be the "freeze" function we're talking about. It's great in Cubase, you just click on that little snowflake icon and the track gets rendered/printed with all the fx etc. You don't need any new tracks, if you want to apply changes to the track, then you just hit the icon again and the track "unfreezes".

Really awesome if you're resources are somewhat limited.
That would be the "freeze" function we're talking about. It's great in Cubase, you just click on that little snowflake icon and the track gets rendered/printed with all the fx etc. You don't need any new tracks, if you want to apply changes to the track, then you just hit the icon again and the track "unfreezes".

Really awesome if you're resources are somewhat limited.

Woa! I thought that freeze would do something similar as lock function! If I knew this more earlier, I could have spared hours and hours of exports!:ill:
Thanks a lot men! Precious tip:worship:


Other DAWs feel like they were coded by 832 different people over the course of the last 12 years, a constantly mutating blob of unorganized jibber jabber junk code. reaper just feeels like it was coded by two guys that know every line of code top to bottom and are constantly optimizing it.

reaper is SOO CLOSE to being an "editing powerhouse" contender with PT ... it's so flexible with controls and macros that one can almost manually emulate protool's elastic audio funciton, yet cocko's still hasn't implemented a dedicated "marker based time warping tool" that would completely eliminate my need for any PT at all. that and a function similar to beat detectives "edit smoothing" feautre.