what's your favorite snare head?


Sep 25, 2009
So, what's your favorite snare head? And why?

I have a Remo Ambassador on my 14" Maple Snare (SONOR 3007 14" X5, 5 ") and I
am not sure if that is the right choice.
You're doing just fine.

And for what it's worth, I bought my drummer an Evans EC reverse dot, just to make it look cool. I don't mind the tone, it's got a nice punch to it. I do prefer a lot of pop with a lot of thud to my snare sound, though. The EC just doesn't do that.
Not a massive fan of ambassadors myself. Single ply and no muting=ring city. Though the ambassador with the reverse dot (controlled sound?) is ok.

I'm really into the Evans Genera Dry. Every time I do live sound for a drummer who has one of those heads the snare sounds great. Remo Powerstroke is also good.
hm, ok. I will test the CS!

and I found this Head to Head Comparison:

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The controlled sound is just an ambassador (10 mil) with a 5 mil reverse dot. It has a bit more 'focus' and durability than the regular ambassador, but you can hear in that clip you posted that they sound similar. I like them. Play with the tuning of your snare, and make sure you get some moon gel. That stuff is amazing.

And a general tidbit, I've read some interviews with the 'drum doctor' from LA, and I've talked to a couple engineers from LA who use them all the time and have recorded world class drummers with their setups. (Josh Freese, Vinnie Colaiuta, Greg Bissonette, etc) And 98% of the time, the heads they use are Remo coated Ambassadors on the toms, Coated ambassadors or controlled sounds on the snare, and Powerstroke 3's on the kick. A very large amount of LA session drummers use this type of setup.

Now this might not translate the best into the metal world though, where a lot of people like the attack of clear heads, and prefer them to be a little thicker with less ring, like an Emperor or Pinstripe.
Oh I didnt mention.
I like the HD dry because It kills all the ring I'd end up eq'ing out at source, and it seems to not stifle the body like moon geling the piss out of it.
Oh I didnt mention.
I like the HD dry because It kills all the ring I'd end up eq'ing out at source, and it seems to not stifle the body like moon geling the piss out of it.


Moon gels work much better if they're cut in half I find. The full sized ones are just too much.

The thing I like about the G Dry is that I can tune the head to where I want it to sound, not tuning it to get away from the ring.
Used an Aquarian Texture Coated once.
It was so so so so so much better than pstroke 3s, Amb CS, Ambassador or emperor for fat sounds.
Put it on and it sounded awesome straight away.
I've only just started recording drums, but I've been playing 'em for 13 years. I've got a 14" Pork Pie maple snare with a Remo coated ambassador (reverse dot) and moon gel. Tune it up with a drum dial and it sounds pretty decent.
remo ambassador here as well. when it comes to mixing sample replace it 100% with something completely different. ;)
i use a pearl 13x6.5 reference snare with a evans power centre reverse dot. i've gotten better toanz with a clear g2 however, and will be trying a 2 ply head again shortly