What's your job?

Studying Electro-Mechanics in the 4th grade of highschool,quite relaxing tho it depends on the teachers I'm getting.

I absolutely have no effing idea what I want to be when I graduate but guys with Electro-Mechanic degrees pretty much can get any job they want that has to do with hand work here in Belgium.
Yay I'm getting a job that probably will utterly keep me bored all day and get payed for doing nothing!
i'm studiying "decolletage" (do a lathe) clearly i'm studying how to be a machine opperator ^^ but this sucks and i ruined my life day after day. anyways i still positive and a Disturbed mind all of the time (mabe that's why i'm again on this studiyng =) )
I'm a careworker for mentally disabled adults,
I'm roadie for a Celtic Folkband
I'm a clothes-sales girl in an alternative clothes store
I'm a barwoman for a catering company
and I'm merchandise salesperson for the same folkband.
i study computer science................


by night i become celine dion just like bruce wayne becomes the dark knight, i am a crime fighter, i turn criminals into fags with my incredible vocal abilities, and expansive utility belt, and yes i can fly, and make my boobs grow on command. And then by the dawn of light i revert to the form of a mild mannered metalhead (if that exists), and combat the scourge that is vista, is nothing compatible! godamn it!

yes i lead a life of excitement, of daring and dastardly deeds. I am awesome i know.
Well I'm still a checkout chick.
But I'm currently at T.A.F.E (Like Community College I think? It's below Uni)
I'm doing a short course in Automotive, hopefully to get an apprenticeship out of it.