What's your single favourite At the Gates song?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Pick one.

I choose "Within".

Erik's review said:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]AT THE GATES' early style, which was hinted at in the works of GROTESQUE but first manifested on the EP Gardens of Grief (on which the last track of TRITSIO first appeared) is one of technical yet fluid and extremely dark death metal that is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't heard it; I can think of no other bands that sound much like this, neither before or after AT THE GATES did.

Death. When listening to TRitSiO, I am reminded of Death.
The Swarm. The fade between strings to double-bass + harmonized guitars = MASTERFUL.
"The Swarm". Best AtG song there is. In fact, the first six songs on Terminal Spirit Disease are all classics. If the band had written more new material for TSD, it would no doubt be hailed as the band's classic release, but since it ends with three older songs in a live setting, it is constantly overlooked by fans of the bands older material (which is very good) or that inferior album that would be the band's swansong.
One Inch Man said:
The Swarm. The fade between strings to double-bass + harmonized guitars = MASTERFUL.

BAH! Posted at the same time. But One Incher has the correct answer.
Are you hitting on me? :loco:

Agreed about TSD, that's easily their best. No I haven't heard With Fear I Kiss Your Burning Mama, but I probably should. Red in the Sky is very good, the violin work is really cool. Shit even Slaughter is pretty kickass, not amazing, but still good. At the Gates were awesome, hard to argue against that.
"Raped by the Light of Christ", without question. I also enjoy "Forever Blind" a great deal, but mainly bacause of the vocal track.

"It is our world
It has been stolen from us, bastards!!!"

Listening to Terminal Spirit Disease for the first time in years, man this album is so awesome. I love early period melodeth when it was still fresh and just plain had some fucking BALLS. Still funny what a backward genre that is, the further back you go, the more innovation and overall asskickery you find.
all of you are on fucking crack .. what the hell is so brilliant about early At the Gates? ... sounds like raw unpolished turd ... a band searching for their sound.

the drummer sounds like he is ready to take off and the band can't keep up with him .... I don't know.

and this is not meant as a joke :loco:
raw, unpolished>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>clean, overproduced

yeah, I don't consider TSD to be early ATG. Simply the best.
i mean ... to put it in perspective ... it's like saying that Morbid Visions is Sepultura's best work.
because this is exactly the same parallels I am drawing here.
Did Sepultura put out a best work? :loco:

Or like saying that ALtars of Madness is Morbid Angel's best work, because...well, it is! :)

Look at Slayer, their early stuff is considered their best. Same with AtG.
yeah right ... I am a huge Slayer fan and can tell you while Show No Mercy is good it is mediocre compared to their later work and by far not my fave.

Same with Altars of Madness, great stuff ... but when put next to the later releases ... well it fails.

Really I was talking about TRITSIO .... as it seems most people's faves are off this one.
also, the level of musical incompetence that ATG exhibits on TRITSIO would maybe be acceptable in the early to mid 80's starting bands.
I don't know, that record sounds just bad.