What's your single favourite At the Gates song?

Grotesque was alright. I used to have the split with them and AtG. The AtG stuff was much better.

Alf Svensson played guitar in early AtG, and left before TSD. He is sometimes credited as the person who made those albums what they are. He also played in Liers in Wait, along with Kristian Wahlin (AKA Necrolord, the artist, now in The Great Deceiver) and released one pretty nifty EP. Then Svensson went on to play space metal or something in Oxiplegatz.

Wahlin was in Grotesque, before going to LiW.

I could be wrong. I'm sure Erik knows more.
Dreamlord said:
Then Svensson went on to play space metal or something in Oxiplegatz.
phyre said:
It appears I need to hunt out this group, especially since said avant-garde tendencies are the best part about early-AtG material.
Slaughter of the Soul was the first ATG album I got. Then I went backwards. Somehow skipped TSD altogether, just because I didn't want/need SotS part 2 or whatever it is. I guess I've missed the boat at this point.

Who said early melo-death was better etc? Yeah, it's amazing. You can still hear the freshness of it all even to this day. It still sounds genuine and relevant, not money hungry and label driven.

@NAD - ten four. :D
didn't he sing in Nightrage....oh yeah, nevermind. :D

he sings in Skitsystem, some extreme crust/punk/grind somethingorother.