Whats Your Top 25 Fav Albums?

You continue to state opinion as fact...

It's your opinion that he is stating his opinions as facts, not a fact. THIS, is a fact.

Now, back to serious business:

You are an arrogant twat, a pissy bitch and a severe internet fuck ..Who, with each post, reveals the immense level of mental retardation.. Unleashing wave after wave of pure idiotic drivel, swathed in pure ego.

.... Imo. That better?
I just realized I'm arguing with a simpleton who doesn't even know what nu metal is...

btw in my humble opinion venom, entombed, in flames, at the gates, Kari Rueslatten, avrigus :Puke::Puke::Puke::Puke::Puke::Puke::Puke::Puke: :Puke: :Puke:

Big talk from someone who likes cheese to riff based garage band music that anyone with a low IQ could have written in 5 minutes. I've met hordes of people like you.


You must be really proud of your shitty mostly horrible list of alt rock, cheesy pop and mtv garbage to make such a statement especially on a metal forum. Have you even heard those bands I listed? You obviously don't know anything about metal in general and probably can't stand Death metal vocals other than a few Opeth albums. You're right, not all of the bands you listed are nu-metal I must have confused you with the other loser in this thread with horrible taste.
See there's your problem right there. You prejudge bands just because they have have the ability to write songs that make it on the air. You also seem genre biased like metal is the be all end all genre. Unless you're 13 man it's time to grow the fuck up, and start listening to music, and not genres. You're really not impressing anyone special.

I'm done with you.

You must be really proud of your shitty mostly horrible list of alt rock, cheesy pop and mtv garbage to make such a statement especially on a metal forum. Have you even heard those bands I listed? You obviously don't know anything about metal in general and probably can't stand Death metal vocals other than a few Opeth albums. You're right, not all of the bands you listed are nu-metal I must have confused you with the other loser in this thread with horrible taste.


You are an arrogant twat, a pissy bitch and a severe internet fuck ..Who, with each post, reveals the immense level of mental retardation.. Unleashing wave after wave of pure idiotic drivel, swathed in pure ego.