Holy ****Mate! that's just amazing! Myself , being a metal guy, can enjoy alot of stuff like Hans Zimmer , Brian Tyler, Alexandre Desplat , John Williams, Michael Giacchino , Howard Shore, ...etc, etc ....All great film music composers. Also i have a weakness for a Baritone violin & Cello's....and a good piano score is also much appreciated

I don't know when; or how it happened, I used to be an active metal guitarist in a band an all...and all of a sudden, That music taste was just "there". Im still metal to the bone though...i guess my blinders came off or something?
So anyways, ShamStalin, i have heard alot of music in that genre.
If it would be bad, i got nothing to loose by telling you so. : D
But i would prefer that you continue down that path...(and your welcome to post your new things from time to time

) .
I really like what you've made, honestly.
PS.: Might be worth mentioning i checked some other vids aswell, and i like what i hear ! Also enjoyed that remix of Touch It by Ariana Grande floating between your videos

So Yeah, felt the urge to Subscibe right away