When a Mexican drug lord gets busted...

Christ. Makes you want to give the arse to living an honest life eh.

Totally know what you mean. I'm pretty anti-drugs but the amount of money that drug dealers make is IN-FUCKING-SANE! You could work for a couple of weeks and then take a few years off!

And where do you think all that money they've siezed is going to go? Right into the Governments back pocket I bet.

So... who's the real criminal here?
Well I think a better way to look at it is a risk vs. reward scenario - he gambled, succeeded for awhile, but now he'll be in a Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for the rest of his days :lol:
Well I think a better way to look at it is a risk vs. reward scenario - he gambled, succeeded for awhile, but now he'll be in a Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for the rest of his days :lol:

you don't know that for sure...mexico is corrupt as fuck, and guys like that own most public officials. you think they don't have ways of intimidating juries, shutting up witnesses, fucking with judges, etc??

while such extravagance may look great on the surface, it's not like these guys make their fortune through some happy-go-lucky wheeling and dealing shit...1000's upon 1000's of poor people died so that some fuck can have all that, people who turn to slinging coke/heroin/meth/whatever because there's absolutely no opportunity in their corrupt, desolate, shithole of a country

It's good to be the king.
Well I think a better way to look at it is a risk vs. reward scenario - he gambled, succeeded for awhile, but now he'll be in a Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for the rest of his days :lol:

I don´t think so, this guys live better than must of us in Prison, as Colonel Kurtz says, they are above everyone, cause the have money and power.