Thats no excuse in my eyes. If you decide to be junkie you decide to be a junkie, end of. You don't go blaming your situation for your own stupid decisions.
ever been to mexico?
ever lived somewhere where there's literally NO jobs to be had...and the only ones there that exist are controlled by organized crime?
i don't think you guys realize that in many parts of mexico, the cartels have literally completely taken over local government. they pay off all the cops and politicians, and if that doesn't work, they start killing them until the rest resign their positions. then they make all local businesses pay them protection and force them to aid them in their drug running.
fact is, a lot of the mexicans who are being murdered at the street level in these drug wars aren't junkies themselves - they're bringing shit into the USA to fuel the demands of our junkies, and they're doing it because they have no other means of income and are often being forced to do so. it's believed that in 2007, around 20% of mexico's GDP was cash that was sent from mexican workers in the US to family members at home. shitty part for them is that when our economy went bust, so did all the jobs that those mexicans held, and now a good deal of them have either gone back to mexico, or make just enough here to scrape by.
really the only viable industries in all of mexico are tourism, which has also tanked with the recession, and tequila distilling. there's still a few companies operating factories that were opened after the signing of NAFTA, but even then most of those have moved to asia since labor over there is even cheaper than in mexico.
it's easy to talk shit, but spend some time a truly destitute environment, and you'll see why people do some of the shit they do - which will make it even more sickening to see others making hundreds of millions under the table by taking advantage of them and, in many cases, slaughtering them.