JayKeeley Be still, O wand'rer! Apr 26, 2002 26,184 39 38 54 www.royalcarnage.com Jun 2, 2006 #21 By the way, there is ZERO camaraderie in jazz. Elitists hate other elitists for being elitist.
Krilons Resa Jerry's married?! Nov 7, 2002 31,081 1,102 113 44 Inside dorian's gym bag. Jun 2, 2006 #22 Jazz is chockfull of pretenciousness and gayness. I mean some stuff is really good, but most of it sounds like 3 or 4 dudes playing 3 or 4 totally different songs.
Jazz is chockfull of pretenciousness and gayness. I mean some stuff is really good, but most of it sounds like 3 or 4 dudes playing 3 or 4 totally different songs.