When will metal get the respect it deserves?

I think people are missing the point. Speed isn't asking for metal to become mainstream, he's asking for people to drop their dumbass stereotypes, and not talk shit every time the word metal is mentioned. Personally, I'd like that, but I'd also like for people to learn the difference between bands that are metal and not. I'm tired of hearing about what a great metal band Korn is. Happens all the time offline, heh.
estranged88 said:
Metal will never get the respect it deserves...

it will always be seen as music for distressed teens and devil worshipors, which could not be furthur from the truth

its all because of the 3% of metal fans who shop at Hot Topic and burn writings in thier skin...

..... its a shame
No shit. I agree with you there. Who really cares if Metal gets any repect anyway?! It's supposed to be the bastard child of Rock N Roll & the Blues! If it got "the respect" that you are referring to, then it wouldn't be underground & wouldn't have the edge....:grin:
If it happens cool. If not that's cool too....
I'm a happy fucking metalhead nowadays! Who gives a shit if metal is not respected in the popular culture? I sure as hell don't give a rat's ass, I mean think about it: Do you want to be able to have conversations with your barber about metal? Do you want your sister to dig Marduk? Metal is right where it belongs, underground. Metal is for the people who go that extra difference to get their hands on a new killer album, even if it is not sold in stores. They will wait the week or so it takes for their next haul to come in. Fuck respect, I could give a shit if someone looks down upon me. I am not the one missing out on the better thinks in life, its the fucking asshole who is so hypocritical of metal, who goes home and does extra work outside of his dayjob and works on puzzles in his freetime, and in the background he puts on the new Celine Dion cd so that he can relax.
MetalHeadNate said:
I'm a happy fucking metalhead nowadays! Who gives a shit if metal is not respected in the popular culture? I sure as hell don't give a rat's ass, I mean think about it: Do you want to be able to have conversations with your barber about metal? Do you want your sister to dig Marduk? Metal is right where it belongs, underground. Metal is for the people who go that extra difference to get their hands on a new killer album, even if it is not sold in stores. They will wait the week or so it takes for their next haul to come in. Fuck respect, I could give a shit if someone looks down upon me. I am not the one missing out on the better thinks in life, its the fucking asshole who is so hypocritical of metal, who goes home and does extra work outside of his dayjob and works on puzzles in his freetime, and in the background he puts on the new Celine Dion cd so that he can relax.

What's wrong with doing puzzles? Why do you imply that you are better than someone who listens to Celine Dion? Sheep...
why does everyone want to be respected by people that they could care less about?
when i got my first tat back in the 70's it wasn't respectable. now everyone, from teachers to cops to politicians, has a tat or three.
take a little pride in being outside of the mainstream. you're part of a select group that they wonder about. you're the people that their mothers warned them about.
they know that their missing something in their lives and will always wonder if the forbidden fruit tastes good.
Why do I have to defend myself everytime I mention I love metal?
the next time just look at them and say "come and listen to some with me and you'll know"
I have a theory as to why metal is not getting the respect it deserves.

Metal is infected by a disease which goes by the name of image. Like it or not, but image rears its hideous head far too often, in bandpictures, in coverart or in stories outside of music. "We are all about the music", is a phrase commonly heard, yet one is supposed to wear black, have long hair and NEVER smile on bandpictures, like that`s some kind of grave sin against the metal community. Image seethes through the entire genre, ironic for THE genre that claims to be against image. What do people see when they think "metal"? They think of longhaired, shabby men who scowl and (at least try) to look dangerous. What do people hear when they think "metal"? They hear blatant noise, because they are not used to hearing distorted guitars or heavy drum sound, let alone growling vocals. And what impression are they left with? An antisocial genre with no musical talent or skill, which breeds hate and anger. Do I care? No, those fucks who dismiss metal don`t know what they miss, and in some cases, they annoy me to no end (stuckup people like classical music listeners). Do I understand why they feel like they do? Yes. The day I can see bandphotos with members smiling with aghora sweaters without people labelling them sellouts or jesting about them, is the day metal has won a great battle against itself.
I agree Harp Heaven, but alot of that anti-social image about metal- is not an image at all- many metal fans and bands- really do want to be associated as being different from general society. I want to be associated as being different from society- but something so external, and worthless as clothes - and image- is quite a juvenile way to go about it- it lacks substance. Maybe some metal musicians- who are quite mature in the ways of music- will finally mature in ways of image

I have always felt ridiculous going to metal concerts- I do not own one single metal related item- other than cds. I go to concerts looking like I usually do, just normal semi preppy dress- and am always looked at curiously by the rest of the crowd- wearing their t-shirts- hats- tattoos- long hair, and what seems to be a weeks worth of dirt clinging to them. Some of these metal fans ask- why are you here dude? You a metal fan man?

Lets thank god- Judas Priest's- stud leather style didnt become the prevaling style in metal.
Harp Heaven said:
I have a theory as to why metal is not getting the respect it deserves.

Metal is infected by a disease which goes by the name of image. Like it or not, but image rears its hideous head far too often, in bandpictures, in coverart or in stories outside of music. "We are all about the music", is a phrase commonly heard, yet one is supposed to wear black, have long hair and NEVER smile on bandpictures, like that`s some kind of grave sin against the metal community. Image seethes through the entire genre, ironic for THE genre that claims to be against image. What do people see when they think "metal"? They think of longhaired, shabby men who scowl and (at least try) to look dangerous. What do people hear when they think "metal"? They hear blatant noise, because they are not used to hearing distorted guitars or heavy drum sound, let alone growling vocals. And what impression are they left with? An antisocial genre with no musical talent or skill, which breeds hate and anger. Do I care? No, those fucks who dismiss metal don`t know what they miss, and in some cases, they annoy me to no end (stuckup people like classical music listeners). Do I understand why they feel like they do? Yes. The day I can see bandphotos with members smiling with aghora sweaters without people labelling them sellouts or jesting about them, is the day metal has won a great battle against itself.

You're absolutely correct. Most of your posts are.
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Easy to sum up this thread:

Each to their own.

There's never going to be anything that everyone likes (maybe sex :p) and that's the way it's going to be. I like listening to bands no one's heard of except me and my friends, and I'd hate it if every little burner kid listened to the same music as I do. I know it sounds selfish, but I kind of feel that metal is my own, and I don't particularly like sharing it with "the mainstream" :p
Another thing:

I really don't mind people having different tastes to me, it's just when they try and take the piss out of my taste. I can understand people listening to techno, but when they start accusing the music I listen to of being shit that I get annoyed.
Yeah. It also really pisses me off that metal is generally frowned upon in our society. I almost feel like being a mealhead is a social stigma, especially for someone my age.:( People always laugh and metal while they themselves my listen to talentless absolute shit like Nelly or 50 Cent. Sadly, I think that metal will never get the respect it deserves, since the average person is too ignorant to try to understand it.