so what is a "redneck"? sorry im from philippines thats why the fuck i dont know what redneck is.
hibernal_dream said:
Yeah, you only have to go to a metal concert or festival to see that there is. The feeling of brothership is immense. Not so on this forum

It truely is, expect a few :p
And i didn't bother to read further than that :p
I don't think its funny Greys. I've been in situations not nearly as bad, but I thought these kids were gonna jump me and beat the shit outa me.Luckily they didn't. The school systems don't give a fuck about any one, atleast the public ones don't. As for the guy who thinks its funny. Spoken like a true pussy who's prolly never been in a fight. It's fun listening to brutal songs but when it comes to the real brutality, not the stuff that is in songs, I'm talking real fear and real violence, I'd imagine you'd be a coward. So laugh it up big man, behind your computer. I wonder if you've even been in a real pit.
The Greys said:
I have been to a lot of metal shows and no one is by any means is 'tough'. Most people who think they are tough had not had to deal with people who are actually deranged and tough.

Though I by no means claim to be 'tough', I'm tall and could be big if I wanted to. I'm a little over 6'1" and my frame would allow/suit being muscular (or so I have been told by one or two people who I think know what they are talking about).

Anyway, I'm tall and could (relatively) easily be 'build like a brick shithouse' (to quote one of the people mentioned earlier).

MetalHeadMarc said:
I don't think its funny Greys. I've been in situations not nearly as bad, but I thought these kids were gonna jump me and beat the shit outa me.Luckily they didn't. The school systems don't give a fuck about any one, atleast the public ones don't. As for the guy who thinks its funny. Spoken like a true pussy who's prolly never been in a fight. It's fun listening to brutal songs but when it comes to the real brutality, not the stuff that is in songs, I'm talking real fear and real violence, I'd imagine you'd be a coward. So laugh it up big man, behind your computer. I wonder if you've even been in a real pit.

Yes, it is easy to talk the talk when people can't even see your mouth. I have not been in any fits (as far as I remember, and I hope it remain that way), but I imagine that it is considerably unpleasant to be in a situation where someone is determined to see your bain, preferably leeking out into the gutter.

I must now depart, leaving my only crappy post behind me.
The Greys said:
I bet you we bullied a lot more fatty. I only had to deal with a few locals(mainly the ones above). I moved here and even weird people find me weird. You can come forward and admit someone bullied you. I have been to a lot of metal shows and no one is by any means is 'tough'. Most people who think they are tough had not had to deal with people who are actually deranged and tough.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
bloodfest said:
i know some has their own kind of metal music and some dont like others. whether its brutal music, melodic, black, progressive, etc. my question is, is there an existence of respect among those people under the "metal roof"?
no there are too many knobheads who like metal they think it is cool to like aband when there is only seven people gigat a take a look in here 90 per of the people in here are fuckards BRUV:mad: :mad:
Cythraul said:
The only reason I appear to have any respect for metalheads in real life is because I'd probably get beat up if I went around telling people that they were gay and that their favorite bands are crap.

MetalHeadMarc said:
I don't think its funny Greys. I've been in situations not nearly as bad, but I thought these kids were gonna jump me and beat the shit outa me.Luckily they didn't. The school systems don't give a fuck about any one, atleast the public ones don't. As for the guy who thinks its funny. Spoken like a true pussy who's prolly never been in a fight. It's fun listening to brutal songs but when it comes to the real brutality, not the stuff that is in songs, I'm talking real fear and real violence, I'd imagine you'd be a coward. So laugh it up big man, behind your computer. I wonder if you've even been in a real pit.

Fucking hell, did "irony" and "humour" fall off the the Pilgrim fathers ship on the boat trip across to your country?

No wonder you thick cunts get bullied.