Why metal& metalheads don't get respect and never will

not true...thats why many people love classic rock...it can get technical...even bob marley gets technical..it all has to do with content...oh wait..and stereo types...

simple things are a plus...but there are so many thrash bands that are simple *cough cough SLAYER cough cough* but they're still not listened too in the mainstream becuz of they way they are...and their fans...fans always make a kind of music seem like crap..thats probably why most people who like metal dont like rap..becuz you see some ignorant kid walking around shouting motherfuck to everyone...well you just assume thats how it is...

and thats what people perceive...
Back at the cargo shorts. I wear cargo shorts man. If there is any one who says that isn't metal, they can go fuck themselves. I mean really if you look at it, cargo shorts are fatigues cut short with no camo, thats pretty fucking cool to me. I don't think he was insulting they guys who were cargo shorts. Otherwise I'd be offended and you can prepare for a Lesson in Violence (verbally i guess).

Which reminds me, who is looking forward to the new exodus?
Yeah, I saw that part of the DVD and I was really pissed off. There were some pretty funny parts, like when they were showing the fans the " Slayer doll", but yeah, I agree...smart metalheads need to start a revolution or something..( joking)
AjDeath said:
I don't smoke and I like Pantera, notice I said like, because I haven't heard a decent album from them since Far Beyond Driven. I also like to wear cargo shorts. You know what is really funny, all those fuckin' idiots who wear goth gettup, that shit is real metal, dawg. I find it funny when I see some idiot walking down the street in black pleather pants, a black trench coat, a black long sleeve shirt and black make-up on, when it is 102 fucking degrees out. Real metal Dawg. I wear cargo shorts because: A- They are shorts
B- They have pockets so I can keep shit in them
C- As I mentioned, they are shorts, and it is 102 fucking degrees out, DAWG!

Drink and forget. DRINK!

I didn't mean this as some sort of jibe, I was simply making a broad generalization for the sake of humor (and because, frankly, it does fucking apply to a lot of morons in this country)...

Anyways, as for you reply, I am not one of those "goth gettup" people (not sure if you were aiming this at me enough.
I feel no need to prove how "metal" I am to anyone...sure I wear alot of band shirts, but my average gettup is blue jeans from Target and a black t-shirt...sometimes a khaki buttonup shirt when its hot...
the comment I was making seems to be aimed at the same people you were aiming at (albeit two slightly different groups of them), which is those who A) have been into metal for 4 months and still think other peoples opinions matter B) those who have been into metal for a long time but drank way too much and still think Deicide is good.

christcrusher said:
Exactly, well put by Sadistik (HEY JEFF!)!! Also, a majority of these guys, in addition, are low-class white trash. These are the kinda guys that try and grab my ass at Cannibal Corpse and Deicide shows.


simple solution to that problem, kick 'em in the nuts, and believe me, i have seen it first hand with my lovely girlfriends in action =P . and i am dead serious too.
Embedded Phantasm said:
....they're still not listened too in the mainstream becuz of they way they are...and their fans...fans always make a kind of music seem like crap..thats probably why most people who like metal dont like rap..becuz you see some ignorant kid walking around shouting motherfuck to everyone...well you just assume thats how it is...

and thats what people perceive...

a fine point made, that's one of the reasons why i don't listen to rap and pardon the elitist attitude, but even going as far as looking down on such wastes of human life.
Sadistik said:
I didn't mean this as some sort of jibe, I was simply making a broad generalization for the sake of humor (and because, frankly, it does fucking apply to a lot of morons in this country)...

Anyways, as for you reply, I am not one of those "goth gettup" people (not sure if you were aiming this at me enough.
I feel no need to prove how "metal" I am to anyone...sure I wear alot of band shirts, but my average gettup is blue jeans from Target and a black t-shirt...sometimes a khaki buttonup shirt when its hot...
the comment I was making seems to be aimed at the same people you were aiming at (albeit two slightly different groups of them), which is those who A) have been into metal for 4 months and still think other peoples opinions matter B) those who have been into metal for a long time but drank way too much and still think Deicide is good.


LOL, I drink way too much and even I know shit when I see it, Deicide LOL, the comments I made were not aimed at you, I happened to go to the local bookstore to pick up a few books, and an idiot dressed as I described went walking by as I parked my car, it was 92 degrees out. Man, I was laughing so hard it hurt. And you know what, I know the type of metal heads you'r talking about, I was just giving you shit. Stoners in metal suck because they usually only like Pantera and Black Sabbath and that's it, I have nothing against smoking, I have everything against liking a band because they are known as pot heads.
I'm a stoner and i'm into more metal (and non-metal) bands then you can shake a stick at :) .... oh and i'm not that big of a Pantera fan neither. Generalizing is just too easy that way.

But i do know what you mean. Music comes first always, it just happens that i like the whole "stoner rock" and "stoner metal" dealie the most because the sounds suits me the most ... it's heavily influenced by classic rock and i love that stuff. Certainly not cos of their smoking habits.

And also, personally i'd never be caught dead in a Pantera shirt because welll ...even tho i like some of their songs, most of their fans are slack-jawed rednecks.(The ones i've met at least, i'm speaking from personal experience only mind you.) But on the other side i have a friend who's fav. band is Cannibal Corpse and he is one of the most intelligent people i know. That's the reason why i don't like to judge people according to their band shirts or getups and whatnot ....because when you generalize like that, you're bound to be wrong quiete often.
As you can tell by my name, I love Death, where did you get that signature?

About stoners, my brother is the vocalist in our band, he is also one of the biggest stoners ever, in fact I am the only member of my family, immediate and extended, who doesn't smoke sideways, so maybe I have a bias against that shit.

but I do.............................................................................DRINK!
i have Slayer's older video "Live Intrusion" and it drives me mad when i see their fat brainless fans who would jump out the window if Tom Araya told them to do so!