When I don't listen to the band I'm fucking awesome

This is what happens when I decide how a song should sound!

ok Ola DI's (the guy has a compressor in his hand, listen to the palm mutes!) and midi... I fucked up some mapping because I didn't use superior

...and this when I have to do what the band want me to do:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2174014/Enemy/05-AudioTrack 05.mp3

ok this is not masterd at all but you can hear the guitar tone sucks so badly and I was forced to use that sound...

Fuck! I'm the same person who did these two mixes and this is a prove I can produce way better stuff, I just have to be an asshole and tell people I'm gonna choose what's going to be the final mix.
I think these two tracks are a huge example to "never listen totally to clients when you think the sound sucks"
In the past and even now, I always listen to clients, I mean there were people that gave me great suggestions, even the drummer on this tune suggtested some fixes to snare and kick, but the guitarist wanted that sound!
ouch this is a total war!

cheers to everybody ;)
The guy should stop screaming........ if you can call that screaming...... hahahahaha Don't listen to HIS opinion at least jk jk
well, mind that Olas song and playing is also way better then in that other clip ;)
but Olas clip is too loud or pumping, someting is fucked up during the blasts