When in the hell...

Oct 27, 2002
...is the digipak version of Damnation comming out in Australia?! I've only seen the normal CD version all over shops but no digipak. What's going on?
From what I hear, no the Digipack won't be released locally in Australia.

Actually, as far as I can tell, unlike deliverance, the Digipack will not be available retail-wise AT ALL.

I believe it will only be available through online retailers.... namely www.theendrecords.com and a few other w-stores.

If anyone in the states see's a digipack copy of Damnation instore, please feel free to enlighten/correct me. :)

Not that I'm to concerned anyways, I'm only really after one CD (Preferable Jewel Case) and one Vinyl for each album.. I don't see the point in getting rereleases and multiple copies of albums in the same format (Namely, CD's)
Staffan - "I got a digipack because they didn't have any jewel cases. ANd I fucking hate digipacks! it's already a little bit broken!"

I'm one of the few that actually likes digipaks. :) I think I like their frailty. Lately, when I order a jewel case CD from the THE END, the last 3 times, the case was cracked/shattered somewhere. I have a bunch of cases one CDs I don't like that I switch them for, but WTF.

I don't have worry about that with the digipaks and I'm usually pretty gentle with them so they don't tear. Unfortunately, this one was either torn already or I did it in my madness of opening the packaging. I don't know. It'd be the first if so!

Scorpian007, you'll have to order it online if you really want one.
I got a digi pak from HMV, aparently they had loads.
@ Scorpian: Maybe you could order it in from CC music or The Muses or something? When i was in Aus, i ordered MAYH original from CC music. They may be able to, but it might take a few weeks
