"When machine and Men Collide" to be released


Bassist Member
Feb 12, 2002
Sao Paulo

Hey, I have heard that "When Machine and Men Collide" raw music will be released on CD. :err:

But, Did Steve record the bass for that album? I have read that only Chuck and Richard have done their parts of the album...

So that is gonna be a "guitar+drums" album? No bass? No Shannon on guitars? No vocals by Tim? :erk:

Chuck's mom is more than right to release that in MP3 at emptywords.org if those label bastards release Chuck's raw music... Let the other guys finish the album, so Chuck's wish will be fullfilled!

What else do you guys know about this fact?

And what do you know, Hippie??? And what do you think about that?

I think this "battle" over who thinks they can first release something - that obviously Chuck didn't intend on anyone outside of the band to hear...is foolish, and definitely something he wouldn't have wanted to happen. I thought the whole idea was to get it done in the light of his wishes. I can safely say after knowing him since our teenage years that this delay, and this squabble over the release is far from something he thought to forsee as steps to fulfilling those wishes.
The name of the band is becoming more and more ironic for all of us involved.
I wait with all of you, and unfortunately I know about as much as all of you.
Maybe there needs to be a movement to write Karmageddon (Hammerheart) encouraging them to hold off on the threats to release anything until it's finished, thus taking the pressure off Chuck's mom to try and beat that threat, stopping any pre-release through the record company or that website.
We should all be thinking about doing the right thing, and that's allowing the rest of the band to finish it and release it in due fashion...in the completed form that would honor Chuck's wishes and represent his vision of the final product.
But, did you record any bass for that album, dude??

Is that gonna be a guitar+drums thing?????? Hope that label stops this madness and you guys can finish the work...
WTF????? People are going nuts. That´s so fucking childish and lame... I don´t know who is right, who is wrong, or even if there´s someone wrong in this "battle", but that´s so stupid and non-sense.
why doesn't they just understand that they are going to ruin a MAGIC, to destroy something that's PURE and deserves to be respected???




Let Chuck Rest In Peace.
I agree with you about writting a letter to Karmageddon. I think that a petition would be a good idea. It would need someone to host it in a forum where people who wanted to 'sign' it could do so though. I think that this idea would have resonable support too. After all we all want to hear the completed last work of Chuck Schuldiner and Control Denied rather than some incomplete work that is released to make a quick dollar and appease impatient people.
Well whether we have the 'right information' or not isn't really that much of a concern. All it needs to be is a statement of intent not to buy the record in an uncomplete state. I think the hippy of doom's statment is a good indication that the band members are far from satisfied with the state of things and that they feel that it would not be satisfactory by the standards of Chuck Schuldiner. That coupled with the fact that they are essentially releasing an inferior product is reason enough let Karmageddon know that people are not satisfied with their intentions to release this recording.
Yeah, I'm glad that emptywords is releasing it for downloade so those bastards don't make a profit. I think we really should start a petition. Just simply saying that we want the album finished before we buy it, that's it.
So, the day has come.

What is gonna happen now? Is the CD gonna be released? Is Chuck's mom gonna put it for download at EW?

What is gonna happen? Does anyone have any information??????