When Metal Goes Horribly Wrong

M. said:
what are you talking about? have you been smoking opium again??

I was cynical , did you get it? I don't think so. you posted a pic of a Manowar fan making fun of him. So I jumped on it, finding that a Californian making fun of someone is pretty ridiculous, as this place has the biggest selfish, showing-off, superficial people on earth.That's it. If you didn't got that, it's you who're (I almost typed a nasty word) jacked on horse.
Oh...come on. Not this stereotypical American Californion whatever image crap. You have no idea what M. is like and neither do I. S/he may have nothing to do with your stereotype. That is, unless you do actually know M. and then this post is completely useless.
Vidaeus said:
Oh...come on. Not this stereotypical American Californion whatever image crap. You have no idea what M. is like and neither do I. S/he may have nothing to do with your stereotype. That is, unless you do actually know M. and then this post is completely useless.

That's fair, but she began by taking me for a dopehead just because she didn't quite understand what I was saying.

Busted :/
Oi TTP, I suggest you ease up a bit here... you seem to take this way too seriously man.. I dont think M posted this pic to show how cool Manowar is.. you were supposed to laugh at that, not to insult LA and its weirdo scene...