When Sammy Hagar plays the superbowl this year...

DarbysDad said:
Bull shit!!! Buddy Holly Rules. Man if he didn't do what he did the Beatles would have been some second rate crap British Invasion band. Sorry for the smack talk but he deserves respect and if Beatle fans and Paul Mcnartney can't admit well that's just sucks.

Calm down, DD. Buddy Holly was the last on the list, that's why I picked him. And for the record, I think the Beatles sucked.

Yep, BB is #1 with me, especailly with that coaching staff, I grew up watching those guys play. Football is my second love-yes, even with the Lions. Don't get me wrong, I root for the Wings-have to-they're awesome. It's also an exciting Pistons team taking the floor these days, Automotion not withstanding.

But I grew up on Baseball and I love her for better or for worse.
Nothing like a hot summer Saturday afternoon at Dodger Stadium next to the bull pen. Listening to the bull pen catchers glove pop as he warms up the starter then maybe the relivers later. Hell even the Big A in Anaheim is a lot of fun, they lowered the beer prices and its a good place for the family.
Yo! "Luv" (Buddy Love)

I owe you an apology - sorta - on the Extreme deal. They did do a show and at the end it doesn't come off. I am told by some of the guys at work that Nuno would never even go on camera and was being a real shithead. The host just says "thats reality TV for ya!"

WTF? Why even air the show then?