When should I use surgical EQ? Is Reaper ReaFir any good?


mixing scientist n00b
Mar 30, 2009
I am a n00b mixing beginner :wave: any and all insights are appreciated. I just mixed my hard rock song "Dead man walking" ( http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=11402264 ) and used reafir on everything, the master, all tracks. I removed the bass and drum frequencies under 30hz and reduntantly copied pasted that onto the master track. removed guitar frequencies under 50hz.

is this a good thing to do, to just remove the low end instead of shelf of 6 decibles of low pass/high pass?

maybe use a reaper band equalizer instead?

what reaper plugin is better?

when should I high pass?

I dont know how to import my s2.3 into separate tracks so should I try to find a way to put toontrack surgical eqs or lowpass/highpass for each drum/cymbal? I use the 2.3 presets and Metal Foundry is at the front desk at my apartment waiting for me to install :)

thanks for any and all comments

rock on! :worship:
It's a good practice to high-pass each and every track until right before the point at which it becomes audible, if not audibly, which is also common. It clears up the mix, saves headroom, etc.
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many thanks, that was so helpful Audiosprite, you summed it up perfectly. great advice and thanks for digging up that great video! I need to watch more of those. cheers :)