when success arrives


Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)
DT is having a HUGE success in Italy... let me tell u only this.. in italy the statal internet telecommunication company (TIN-Alice) has a website called Rosso-Alice from which u can download stuff, see videos, buy things, etc...

they have a weekly 4-places chart of the most seen videos... usually the chart features ONLY pop groups... but this week, incredibly, Dark Tranquillity is in the chart at the third place out of four with their Lost To Apathy Clip...
i say it's AMAZING... never, as far as I know, a metal band has ever reached this place in the Rosso-Alice chart!!!

Nt3N said:
DT is having a HUGE success in Italy... let me tell u only this.. in italy the statal internet telecommunication company (TIN-Alice)

it's most definitely not a state-owned network in any shape or form. it's a private company. in fact, tin is a service provider, and alice one of its trademarks.
in fact u're right... i wrote this but i meant not what u understood... i didn't mean "statal" like "owned by the state", but as the leading and ex-statal company (the way u use it) for telecommunication and internet in italy.. of course now it is private, just like every ex-statal company in italy.. btw, alice is both a trademark and a provider as u can have internet access through TIN and internet access through Alice with different costs... so Alice is not just like saying "TIN Internet" but it is something different..!