
Apr 11, 2002
Chimera Chiemgau
So finally after grabbing the reissues of The Gallery and The Minds I in France last week,
I know ALL official DT-Videos:D

and as everyone is bored of this board, boring solefald is making a thread about the videos of boring DT:

-Monochromatic stains
-Lost to Apathy
(the new one for The new Build isnt out yet)

the Zodi-clip is not really extraordinary, but good acting and a young metalgod-mikael moving in a cool and funny way(the arms! reminds me of Immortal-videos), some good effects like the water.simple effective clip

Hedon is more complicated, there is this guy in the circle of candles and these newspaper-headlines with words of the lyrics.
nice idea and mikael with sunglases and leather jacket :Spin: .he looks like on the pics of the TMI-booklet.
I just dont really know what the naked guy with the paint is trying to symbolize...

ThereIn is simple too but the visuals fit in perfectly to this not so hard song.

Mono is the most unusual clip in their history, with this animated favorite together with Lost to Apathy which is a really cool and modern metal video.

when I compare with most other videos of Metalbands, DT arent very extraordinary, you see the singer and the band playing, a lot of cuts, some effects and thats it.LTA has the most effects and is really impressive, great acting and virtual reality.Mono is some kind of artificial experiment and very unusual for a Metal band.

So what do you think of their clips? are they good, average, unecessary or whatelse?

just some thoughts...
I've only seen therein and monochromatic stains. Therein was just so cheesy. In particular the bit where it takes like 30 seconds for Stanne to drift closer and closer to the camera, then when he is right infornt of the lens it goes really quickly in to reverse and it starts all over again :rolleyes:.

My Character CD doesn't want to show me the LtA clip :( . But form that still pic, it looks pretty incredible. I wish some music television in the UK would get Dark Tranquillity videos. Arch enemy would be nowhere near as popular out in the UK if it wasn't for the constant playing of the "We will rise" video. The population of metalheads in UK is made up of 75% Kerrang kids (<-people which only listen to bands they find out about on Kerrang (<-a shit metal station that rarely plays owt good)).

What stations do you have that show Dark Tranquillity videos (if any)?
well in times when I had a tv (long time ago) I never saw a DT-video, just the usual In Flames-clips and always once a week on a metal/rock-show on viva+(germans here , the show on sunday evening, does it still exist?)
viva1 and Mtv never show metal videos beside System of a down, linkin park, him or NIN, sad world
Here in France 1) you will NEVER see any metal video on TV 2) the metalhead population is close to 0.00001% 3) (2) explains (1).

(though I'm currently living in London ;) )

The Monochromatic Stains clip is the most interesting, apart from the fact that MS may be my favourite DT song. It has an artsy feeling close to the atmosphere developed by Niklas booklet, though I don't understand everything there... who are these winged characters ?!

I agree with KC, the Therein clip is rather ridiculous. Mikael, eyes closed, on this road... It's prog rock, not metal, WTF ???

I like the Lost to Apathy clip, though it is not so original.

I may watch the other ones soon...
i agree that dt's videos are not ground-breaking. monchromatic stains gets closest to actually being about something. at least there's nothing really embarrassing in any of them. ;)
I really enjoy the monochromatic stains video. I take a little more away from it each time I watch it. I somehow find it reminiscent of smashing pumpkins' tonight tonight video, possibly because of the style of animation that is used.
rahvin said:
i agree that dt's videos are not ground-breaking. monchromatic stains gets closest to actually being about something. at least there's nothing really embarrassing in any of them. ;)

The music and lyrics that acompany them it is "groundbreaking" enough. If you really try to tie togheter the visual concepts with the lyrics on videos like Therein or Hedon they feel almost like shortfilms.
I also like the Mono video most. Perhaps LTA comes second, but i haven't really watched it that much.

What i like about Mono vid is that it's basically a short film that is tied to the lyrics. I really like the style of it, and the fact that it's something different than your usual "band plays song" videos. And i also like the fact that it was made by a fellow greek. ;)

@Squirrel: the winged creatures are Erinyes (iirc), they're the punishers of crime in greek mythology.
My favourite has to be Hedon, but I haven't seen Monochromatic Stains yet. Its a fairly savage looking peformance and the newspaper cuttings look cool.

I also like that fuckcase guy in the circle, with the blood and the book. No idea what he represents, but he resonates.
@Siren: Oh, thanks. What didn't I think about it? I know Greek mythology very well... And now that you're explaining me it's obvious. What a dumbass I am :erk:

So now I've seen ZL and Hedon videos. The ZL one is quite poor, and about the Hedon one... Mikael made me laugh with his sunglasses, and yes, the newspapers cuts are quite a good idea. I think the "guy with the book" may try to escape from this mad society by considering religion... but hell, he becomes mad himslef at the end :loco:
i've seen all DT vidz... and my fav ones are LTA and Monochromatic Stains...
but it's also interesting to watch ZL, while i don't quite like ThereIn... Hedon is fine too :)

now waiting to watch TNB :D
My opinions:

Zodijackyl Light video is, simply put, boring. It is always nice to see the band playing, but there's really nothing impressive in here. Just the basic stuff that appears in pretty much every metal video.

The video for Hedon, on the other hand, is great. It enhances the mood of the song and compliments the music well, being so closely tied to the tempo-changes and all. Granted, a lot of it looks a bit silly, but even with a stupid typo or two in the newspapers on the background and the overdramatized scenes with the half-naked man and the candles, it is still a very good low-budget metal video.

ThereIn video looked interesting the first time I saw it, but since then I've rarely bothered to watch it through. Just too pretentious for my tastes.

Whereas the video for Monochromatic Stains, while being almost as pretentious as ThereIn, has at least a certain unique look to it. It is so honestly artsy and pretentious that it becomes good. Definitely the most original DT video - and the only one of them that could be called groundbreaking.

Finally, the Lost to Apathy video is excellent in what it does - makes the audience want to get more of this kind of music. The effects, the widescreen display and what else is there are clearly overshadowed by the performance of the band and the strength of the song. It is not the most original music-video ever made for sure, but it is nevertheless very good.

rahvin said:
he certainly means david lynch and bunuel movies, and probably some. but i don't want to steal his thunder for the reply.

well I expected someting like that.
anyway what can we expect from a MUSIC band merging a song into a videotape to WATCH the song?
First theres the song and the video is just another element to hock up people and new listeners
DO we need videos to build up some kind of movie in our head of a song we normaly HEAR? music-videos are 25years old and its just some kind of promotion for a song to fix in people to like a song.
in older days people used to see a band live or hear them on the radion suddenly and not by watching MTV to get new music. Im now since 2003 (with some breaks)without TV (and Musicchannels) and dont really miss them(well they dont show much metalvideos:D ). But I cant live without music.
DT´s videos are nice and good ones, I like them. But I wouldnt cry if they would stop to do clips(Just if they would stop making such great albums).
Musicvideos are a cool thing but perhaps 3% of all clips deserve to be more important than the song itself, they transform into a new kind of multi-task art for ears and eyes.

If I watch a clip and it makes me bang in front of the screen or dance in my room thats the best and only thing I can exept from a video.
and for more what do we have?
some tool clips and a few other...
what do you think about musicvideos, do we need them ( in the metal/indie-world) and what are great innovative videos?(If they exist)
To put it plainly, we dont need videos like zodiackyl light but we do need videos like There in even if they look amateurish and pretencious.

And as for the movies i was gonna say something more along the lines of Fellini or Gilliam since they are way more pretencious from a strict cinematographical ( or if you want, visual ) point of view. Nevertheless they have incredible merit.
This is somewhat off-topic, but...

Misanthrope said:
Villian you really need to start watching more pretencious films you're missing on alot.

Actually, just yesterday I watched the Korean movie "Oldboy", which certainly had a lot of pretentious scenes, but still managed to be extremely interesting. I believe it read in the DVD-cover that the movie won the Cannes Grand Prize in 2004. I certainly recommend it, one of the best movies I have seen this year (which is not that much, but anyway).
