Dark Tranquillity trivia

@Ormir & Siren:

Constant (Somebody fuckin broke that rotating grill!)
Chickenlore Degenerate (Well, I don't breed them myself anymore, I just go to KFC)

Emptier Still (just want more chicken)
Doberman (Damn, that was MY chicken)
In There (Well, I guess there are chicken intestines)

It also works for the new songs:

Format c: for chicken
Hours passed with chicken
Single part of two (yeah, just half a fried chicken)

By the way:

Do you remember Monty Python's Flying Circus? The knight with the chicken?
So, Soulscar is the bad half and Souolscar is the good half? :p

Siren (Insanity's Chickendo)
Originally posted by Soulscar

Do you remember Monty Python's Flying Circus? The knight with the chicken?

The Flying Circus - yes, of course. But a knight with a chicken? Err... no, I don't remember it. :err: It might be just my failing memory (pythonlore degenerate I am), but I really can't think of a Flying Circus sketch including both a knight and a chicken. I even did a quick search through www.montypython.net (an excellent site - go there now!), but couldn't find any. There are some chickens (and knights of course) in the Holy Grail movie, but I can't recall a particularly funny joke from there...

The Black Knight calls Arthur a chicken and Sir Robin the "Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Launcelot" had nearly stood up to the viscious Chicken of Bristol, but apart from that, I can't remember any.

-Villain (Python-fanatic)
Mmmh, there was a short intermission between sketches: When a sketch started to turn silly, this knight came up from behind and beat the silly character down with the chicken...I think the rubber chicken with hook from Monky Island had its origin there - It could also be that this intermission was just used in "And Now for Something Completely Different"...?!?
Anyone remember The Killer Cars, that was one of my favourit sketches.

-HarmonyDies....(A Bolt of Blazing bu)

(I think i got the hang of Bu)
Weren't they finished off by that giant siam killer cat?

I liked the deadly joke best...."One translator saw three words at once and spent 6 weeks in hospital before full recreation..."
"This parrot is no more - It's gone to meet it's maker.....!":lol:

I also particularly liked:

And now for something completely different - a man with a tape recorder up his nose...
as for Monty Python, you really can't get much better than "And now...".....i mean...come on.... 'How not to be seen'???....and what about the Twit Olympics?

~Kovenant ('That parrot wouldn't ZOOM if you shot a hundred votes through it!')