Dark Tranquillity = In Flames

A good read, but the title is a bit oddly chosen, as it is writen now, it suggests DT is trying to imitate IF, when we all know it is totally opposite of that and don't even bother trying to deny it :grin:
Sala -

In Flames trying to imitate Dark Tranquillity?

That's laughably ridiculous. Just because DT, in their current manifestation, is better than IF, doesn't mean that IF is necessarily try to imitate them. Listen to the albums, for Christ's sake.

Also, the second Niklas stopped helping with IF's lyrics, they went right into the tank. Unintelligible imagery and metaphors, unintelligible diction, just generally much more simple.

Live albums are usually released to keep interest in the band between albums and of course to make more money for them, you can sorta figure something about the 2 bands based on this.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Live albums are usually released to keep interest in the band between albums and of course to make more money for them, you can sorta figure something about the 2 bands based on this.

they played live at a concert and someone was recording it?