when will the world get off Nocturnus' jock?


fruit of failure's loins
Feb 28, 2006
Seriously. There was absolutely nothing interesting or special about this band. Pestilence did the whole 'keyboards in death metal' thing before they did, and did it much better. The way Nocturnus did it made them sound like the soundtrack to an Ed Wood film. Just total cheeseball shite, with sloppy drumming, weak vocals and hilariously bad lyrics -
The dead will arise
When i invoke
Them through
My crystal ball

Seriously, what the fuck?

And yet everywhere I go people are praising them and bashing me because I find them mediocre at best. It's like I'm being punk'd by the internet.:err:
I'll rephrase that: It was much easier to take Pestilence seriously when they did it.
To me, it more or less looked as if Pestilence started to incorporate synthesizers because Mameli admired Cynic so much when they toured together and Cynic blew the headliners off stage each night.