When You Master Your Instrument (Jon Gomm - Passionflower)


May 1, 2010
Brisbane AU
I did a quick search but hadn't seen anyone who has posted this before. This song is truly amazing and I can't even guess how many times I've listened to it/watched it now.

At around 45 seconds onwards you will know exactly what I mean. Enjoy

Saw this for the first time last week. Only thing I'm not 100 per cent keen on is the vocals, but it could be far worse too I guess.

Mind = blown was my reaction upon seeing this.
Amazing technical ability, but doesn't feel the need to be all flash and no substance for an entire song. Love his phrasing, definitely a legit virtuoso.
andy mckee kills it alot like this guy. im not sure if andy has ever "played" the tuning knobs, or sang, but he kills it intensely. it is my sleeping music lol
This boy also plays tuning the strings on the go. He doesn´t make the beats, but that´s ok because he has a sweet permanent powerslide stance.
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