btw, I want that guitar!
up for trades?
Okay I'm confused as fuck, especially after seeing this post :
Do you have two of the same guitar, one with Blackouts and one with EMGs?
Or is it the same guitar, but the pics where it had the Blackouts are older, and then you recently swapped for the EMG HZs, hence the "You'll shit brix" because of the pickup swap?
considering his comment to lasse, i would say he just strung up upside down by mistake... (so the "embarassing part" was adressed to the op himself).
I first had HZ3, took some pictures, got Blackout AHB2, took picture, didn't like it, swapped back.
Right on!
I took out the FR, and I was minding my own business. Just restringing, and when I was done I see this and realize i'm a retard