Where da party bands at?

Weapon X

Raised to be Lowered
Jul 25, 2002
Ontario, Canada
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What metal just don't have anymore are good party album/bands. That seems to have just left Rap/Hip Hop to do all the party albums out there. :err:


Back in tha day they use to. Such great party bands like most hair bands (Motley Crue) and further metal bands, the best I remember was Ugly Kid Joe. At least until they sobered up then they sucked.

Metal now~a~days seem to have to be evil, angry and serious prone.
Except maybe Power Metal which really makes me want to grab a sword and smile from ear to ear.

Who's your Favorite Party Band and are there any out there at this moment that are?
I agree with the thread starter. Great party bands like Van Halen are sorely missed. A band that you can stick on the car stereo on a sunny day and go for a nice drive before coming home and getting pissed with a big barbecue!
Andrew WK is the closest I can think of in terms of "party metal" although his songs are all very similar and some are just shit (most people here would argue ALL his songs are shit! :p).
Download Andrew WK's song "I Love NYC" or "She Is Beautiful" which has a great riff.
Failing that, you'll have to go back to Van Halen 2 and crank up "Beatiful Girls"!!! :kickass:

BTW Some of Anthrax's new album is pretty good "party metal" - check out "Cadillac Rock Box" - groovy shit!!
yeah I agree too, we need another motley crue- a band that enjoys drugs, sex, and rock and roll. I think Andrew WK was trying to bring back that party metal atmosphere- its just that he isnt enough by himself. Anyway, I am kinda surprised no band has tried to this route- there are millions of late 20- to mid thirty year old fans of party metal.

Heres an idea- Jack black on vocals, Tommy Lee on drums, any decent guitarist- and youve got yourself a party band.
well if another AC/DC or motley crue comes around thats cool but i think the evil and depressing lyrics are still cool and great to listen to, i like most rock and metal so basically i don't care if any party music comes out or not, because i love the evil stuff people make already :D
I used to love Motley Crue when I was a teenager, but they're one of the few bands I never bothered to replace my LPs with CDs, so I don't listen to them now (except Shout At The Devil). Seriously, their music is a bit crap when you listen to it now - Nikki Sixx says the Crue were "Zeppelin crossed with the Pistols". I'd say they're fuck all like either of those bands in terms of truly great songs! :p
Yuss AC\DC Van Halen definite make good party toons :p. KISS are another one. But for these bands you have to go to their back catalogue.

Oh yes how could I forget Anthrax, one of the actual few aggressive type bands that actually make good party music. Not all their stuff but definitely quite a few. \m/\m/
Well as Anthrax would say Guardian, You're Anti- You're AntiSocial! either that or you dont go to good parties. Anyhow I somewhat agree, but I think the best party music is often times rowdy pub songs. I also think it's funny that the drummer for Obituary is now with Andrew WK
I like going to parties, I just don't care about the music at parties. When I'm good and sloshed, a nice tune wouldn't be amiss, but 99% of people have shitty tastes in music so something I am interested in has almost no chance in getting played.
How about The Darkness? I've quickly grown to love this lot.

Metal has been so focussed on negativity-as-art recently that it's simply grown wearisome. There is nothing new or interesting to be said or done in the area. Fifteen years of grunge, DM, BM, industrial, 'core of all varieties, coupled with a rock mainstream populated by a bestiary of bedwetting shoegazers and brattish whiners have stripped the existential-misery-anti-modern-romanticism-gritty-realistic cupboard bare. It's time to get back to other side of metal - the "Rock N Roll", "Fuck Like A Beast", and yes, "Smell The Glove" side. You know - the side that actually has some power, a little joie de vivre and strength of spirit, and is not emasculated by its own stuck-record dreariness.
Weapon X said:
What metal just don't have anymore are good party album/bands. That seems to have just left Rap/Hip Hop to do all the party albums out there. :err:


Back in tha day they use to. Such great party bands like most hair bands (Motley Crue) and further metal bands, the best I remember was Ugly Kid Joe. At least until they sobered up then they sucked.

Metal now~a~days seem to have to be evil, angry and serious prone.
Except maybe Power Metal which really makes me want to grab a sword and smile from ear to ear.

Who's your Favorite Party Band and are there any out there at this moment that are?
ANTHRAX-YEAH! They liven up any party!

I fucking laugh everytime I see a Andrew W.K. video and zi see the Obies drummer, it fucking cracks me up, way to go!:tickled: